Frank Walker Barr

And he was married to an actual Irish person at the time! Just, you know, *listen* to your wife!

Is the soul Liam's? Or just a generic soul, making Angel a third being neither Liam nor Angelus.

Riley was okay until he went all weird, wasn't he?

Was it Parker? Does he count as a "boyfriend" as opposed to ill-chosen one-night stand? Granted, as shitty as he was, it's true that he didn't kill anyone (to our knowledge) and has a pulse (always a good sign, I suppose).

Wrong Cromwell. This is the guy who generally plays crooked Irish cops and calls people "boyo".

I dunno. It used to be you pretty much had to be Italian. But then they started picking Polish, German, and Argentinian ones. So why not?

Experimenting with anaphylaxis isn't all that fun.

Isn't that like where you post a comment on some sites and they take out the vowels rather than delete the comment if they find it offensive?

Yeah, on the West Coast a lot of elected legal positions like DA and judges are technically nonpartisan in that they don't run with party affiliation, but you can kind of guess what party two candidates are when one gets an endorsement from the ACLU and the other from a police union.

So hipsters *have* discovered VHS?

Yeah. Which one? There were 12 tribes of Israel. I don't just want to know which celebrities are Jewish, I want to know which descended from Levi and which from Zebulun.

Analog recordings just aren't very good. Vinyl records were kind of crap too. I'm just glad VHS hasn't attracted hipsters.

Supposedly (based on blog comments and the 21 Jump Street movie), kids today aren't into the mutually-exclusive nerd/jock/tough guy/weirdo cliques, but when I was in school in the Breakfast Club era, that really was how it was.

In all seriousness, she (or maybe it was Bill's decision) gave away Socks the Cat because he didn't get along with their new puppy Buddy. That really seemed like a shitty move. Although Socks had the last laugh — he lived with his new owner until he was 20 and had to be put down for cancer — not a bad run for a cat.

Actually the second Benji was actually his daughter (but still playing the character as male).

Or Cracked. It's kind of the most obvious thing to mock Back to the Future (well, next to imagining unsavory reasons why an old guy wants to hang out with a high schooler).

In my experience, Americans seem to be more into the whole Victorian period than the British are. There are Christmas festivals with a Victorian/Charles Dickens theme in the US, which is really odd if you think about it. It wasn't like it was our history at that point.

Yeah, except for 2001 and Silent Running, nothing had come close to the spaceships shown. Hell, they still look pretty good even now.

I guess you live in an alternate dimension where climate change isn't happening, nor the increase in economic inequality leading to the death of the Western middle class. It's perhaps unlikely that things will ever get worse than the level of the 1800s, but the 1945-2000 period in Western nations was probably a true

When the movie came out, a couple I know went as the twins for Halloween (no, they weren't related themselves).