Frank Walker Barr

You lost me.

You could make the argument that Aliens is *also* just about working stiffs encountering the unknown. Both the colonists and the marines are clearly implied to be working class with the only upper class (economically if not morally) person being Paul Reiser's Carter Burke.

To be fair, if the point was for the predator to get a human head trophy to add to his other trophies, why go to the jungle? Why not a city?

Yes. I own it and watch it at least once a year. I love how the setting really doesn't make sense but is sort of a mix of various ideas from the 1930s to the 1980s. In that sense it kind of reminds me of the city in Dark City.

Canadians have all sorts of stuff we don't have. In terms of candy bars they have Coffee Crisp — a chocolate and coffee flavored coating over a wafer inside that I always make a point of getting at least one whenever I'm in the Great White North.

Exactly. It really was only from the late 1960s to the early 1990s that the "inner city" was seen as an undesirable slum rather than where you wanted to live if you could afford it.

Or 1980s nostalgia

Given that Japan under Tojo was basically a fascist state, I'm not sure what end of the political spectrum a movie giving their side is actually. But really, if you haven't seen "Flags of Our Fathers" go see it. It isn't a rah-rah USA! USA! movie but really a subtle movie about how the public need for people to call

It's not really similar and frankly is far better. It's the major picture of the two — "Letter From Iwo Jima" basically just exists to counter the accusation that "Flags of our Fathers" is anti-Japanese by showing the other side of the story.

No. I mean, I like some of Rami's movies, but he is basically a hack in the same mold as Roger Corman. Eastwood makes movies for grownups.

Yeah, but did Mo cut off a sleeve to avoid disturbing a dog? Hell no. But he did to avoid waking up his cat Muezza.

"Everybody likes rats, but nobody wants to drink their milk" — Fat Tony

He might be thinking of hydra and other coelenterates that have only one exit to their digestive system. But mollusks (including the octopus) aren't like that — they have two exits, just like us.

I don't get either the love or hate of cilantro. It's basically Mexican parsley. It's just some green filler without much taste either way.

That one is even weirder when you know that the actress who wants Clint to play Misty for her is Jessica Walter — as in the actress who played Lucille Bluth and Mallory Archer.

Does he have enough street cred, though? That's in PG county rather than Montgomery.

So in roughly 2039 we can expect a TV dramatization of the 2017 trial?

It took me a while to figure out you weren't talking about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" — BVS is kind of an already used acronym.

I think the point is that he liked them despite being an atheist. Having Christians like the Narnia movies is like Scientologists liking "Battlefield Earth" — they have reasons to like them (or at least say they do) beyond just their entertainment value.

And EPA is made out to be the bad guy for being, you know, concerned that maybe all this high tech atomic equipment the Ghostbusters had might be a little dangerous.