Frank Walker Barr

Maybe he'll turn his life around and rename himself Bethesda. Or Silver Spring.

It would be better if they mixed up Lenin/Lennon and Marx/Marx brothers

Well some of the standing up for black people was actually done in his brief presidency - like actually appointing a black person (and Frederick Douglass at that) to be the US minister to Haiti. As for the side story about Bell, blame Erik Larson - he kind of established that pop histories, much like Simpsons

Well, I doubt he would have been chosen for a wiki wormhole without the book at any rate. Like Hamilton, he kind of got on the pop culture radar after being basically a trivia question for decades.

Yes. I think that's pretty much the source of current President Garfield fandom (as in realizing he was amazingly progressive and maybe could have prevented the century of denying blacks their rights). Before reading the book I thought he was just an insignificant president whose only claim to fame was being

The actor with basically no current career was okay with making some extra dough from a property from his glory days? I'm shocked. Well, not that shocked.

Okay, how about the xkcd "thing explainer" version? "The natural insect-stoppers in grapefruit block the rusty water-makers in the gut and liver"?

"War is hell" has been a trope of war movies forever.
A trope of *anti-war* movies, yes. There aren't really many pro-war movies (like John Wayne's WWII movies) these days. Even modern movies about WWII like "Saving Private Ryan" stress on how awful rather than fun war is.

On the other hand, it exists because Hasbro clearly doesn't *care* about D&D anymore and merely releases new editions with just enough changes from time to time to get people to buy new books (made the mistake for 4th, won't make it for the 5th).

There's a lot of reason to suspect that this won't be any good, but actually I kind of like shows and movies that take a classic story and put it into a modern or futuristic setting. It's a lot more interesting than yet another remake, at least.

I like grapefruit, but the weird thing is that grapefruits and their juice can have a negative interaction with many medications because the furanocoumarins in grapefruit screw up the version of cytochrome P450 found in the liver and intestines.

She should enroll in For-Profit Online University! She can design a Kid Rock themed avatar. Just watch out for Howard.

Bea has a lot to atone for from appearing in the "Star Wars Holiday Special". Presumably this is part of the atonement.

Or even full adults and in film. Ever see the 1978 Christopher Reeves "Superman"? How exactly is a reporter like Lois Lane affording that awesome apartment? Is she independently wealthy? Are rents in Metropolis really that much cheaper than in its real-life equivalent?

But that's what television *was* until the Mad Men/Breaking Bad era. Nobody had illusions that TV was "important" in the way some films are.

I liked S6 (and not just for "Once More, With Feeling"). S7 was terrible, though.

Richard Rhodes wrote a book about prions? And I didn't know about it? I'm a huge fan of his atomic history books. Guess I know what I'm going to buy for my Kindle.

But stopping Lincoln's assassination (plus I believe Kennedy's) allows you to have MLK jr succeed Nixon as President in Chrononauts (I guess making assassination not a thing stops MLK jr's as well).

Lumiere is a minor Elder God. Maybe one of Ramsey Campbell's creations.

I used to work on prions (pathogenic proteins that cause diseases like kuru and mad cow disease) and worked for a guy who had been a graduate student of Gadjusek. Basically, kuru is largely only found in poor islands in the South Pacific and while working there Gadjusek brought a bunch of children back to the US