
The Kid
The Kid likes photography. He sees the beauty in everyday things that others take for granted. That's all I have to say about that.

Restless leg syndrome vs. intense gambling and/or sexual urges

Twitch had to do basically nothing in that dance except smoke and look angry. However, there is ONE move which really makes the dance awesome - the face-to-face roll in the door frame-and they pretty much blew it last night.

She reminds me somewhat of the luminous Charisma Carpenter from BtVS due to her high-wattage smile and finely chiselled features.

In her defense, she had JUST flown in from the Land of Oz.

Nigel Lyth-GROAN, Amirite?
Nigel's most offensive comment of the night (much worse than the Mary Murphy rape innuendo):

Tyce's comments stunk of desperation. He was just trying to become a "colorful" TV character. In his head, he's a still a Paula Abdul backup dancer that never got any attention. I officially hate him.

When I was in grad school… I would loved the chance to "have to spend the summer on a remote island" instead of in a dimly lit, non-air conditioned lab where I could watch the New England summer fly by through my dusty window.

I'm an astrophysicist (really, its just my job). The BBT is not funny. If anyone should find it funny, or at least mildly relevant, its me. In 10 years of this business I have never met anyone like the characters on this show.

You can always switch to the Discovery Health Channel - 24/7 birth footage. Or has that already become the Oprah Winfrey Network?

Furthermore, MY least favorite thing in the episode was the use of an iPhone app to solve the mystery. This show is pretty good, so I have a feeling I will enjoy watching reruns of it 20 years from now, and when I see that scene… I'm gonna be all "oh man, this show is so 2009".

You know who else looked hot tonight? Broyles in his tight T-shirt when Nina came to his house. In my mind, he was also wearing boxer breifs.

for some reason the idea of spinal fluid grosses me out more than any other bodily fluid. As soon as someone says the word spinal tap, I know its time to cover my eyes. Unless of course it is the movie Spinal Tap

women be shoppin' and look alikes be perusin' museums - amirite?

I mean ZFT. I think. now I'm all confused.

My main issue with this episode is that the only reason they were able to build that case was that the CDC officer was super helpful. When they requested a sample of the syphilis or whatever, he automatically knew exactly what they'd been working on in their top-secret agency and did all the research for them.