
troll much?


And you miss to review the greatest moment of the episode with the obvious Carol/Cheryl handjob?

This started off as a pretty cool movie before I found myself watching an indie romance.
That was awkward.

This started off as a pretty cool movie before I found myself watching an indie romance.
That was awkward.

So this has been bugging me since the episode aired:
Right before Jesse and Walter drive inside the police station, Mike sprays the camera with some foam and uses this "tool" to take apart the security lock plate.
This tool brought back memories of me as a kid and my father showing me a spring loaded screwdriver

So this has been bugging me since the episode aired:
Right before Jesse and Walter drive inside the police station, Mike sprays the camera with some foam and uses this "tool" to take apart the security lock plate.
This tool brought back memories of me as a kid and my father showing me a spring loaded screwdriver

A Serbian Movie killed a piece of my soul. I don't know if I can ever fully recover from it.

No he didn't. But the other Berry did.

Pam has more problems than just being fat.

I bitched about the pilot getting an A but the sheer creepiness and intensity of the sketches has turned me around. Looking forward to the next season. Till then, keep smoking crack.

Woodhouse. He even gets left out from AVClub recaps. Which is good because we don't want to encourage him.

You would think The Avengers Initiative would post Captain America in America and then spread out the rest of the bad-asses around the world (For a thousand different reasons) but no, they all gotta hang out in NY/LA whatever city it is that they are in with huge buildings and give each other Dutch Rudders.
Who is

Shut the fuck up Badass Bedpan.

Also, going through the comments, I just realized how many desi avclub members there are. So, i guess there is hope for us.
Except for the ones who are actually still trying to defend Bollywood.

If it has Ashwarya Rai in it…its pretty much Bollywood….aka. Crapfest.

I fucking hate Bollywood/Indian movies/dramas. I grew up in a house where they are loved and watched every single day and I have always hated them. What a waste.

I feel like AVClub has been doing this lately. They must have figured out that people have Adblock Plus installed on their browser so they go for subtle advertisement.

So I never understood this: Am I suppose to hate Dawes or what? Their music is alright I guess. Doesn't make me want to shoot anyone in the face.