
Ah the Ghostbusters theme, the whole time I kept humming I Want a New Drug, Huey Lewis' original is far superior…

It's a pain in the ass but you can remove stuff from your viewing history. Helps with the recommendations for sure.

Says the man whose app streams Keeping Up with the Kardashian's, the Brady Bunch and Saved by the Bell.

Brian Williams, the only person to lie about Iraq and actually face consequences.

The Puffy Chair 2: Recliner Boys

Oliver, your review took longer to read than the three comics combined. It also cost 1,197 fewer pennies. Bravo sir!

@ Miller - the bookstore you're thinking of is Wordsworth which got swallowed in the great mallification of Harvard Square. What's left over there now, Harvard Book Store and the Million Year Picnic? Everything else is a chain, or on its death bed.

Glad to see Bud's business is a-booming.

Stuff you Jim
And double stuff you Dwight. I for one would actually start watching the Office again if they brought in Rhys Darby. I like McBride too, and he could stand to shed some of the rogue red neck characters he is synonymous with at this point, but push comes to shove Murray is better than Kenny Powers.

I am so glad
…someone put this on the internet. The show was fantastic, and A.C. was fairly good natured about the incident. But Neko had the audience eating out of her hands from before the incident (two screaming girls standing behind my wife and I come to mind), and even moreso after. But let me just say the

I think the correct parlance would be Fuckstick. At least that would be Les Grossman approved.

Tom Cruise
may be a Scientologist freak, but Les Grossman still makes me laugh, if this is done correctly it could be one hell of a good flick. Or it could be an abortion of film making. Either way I may just pay to see it…(unless of course you have to sell your soul to L Ron Hubbard in which case I would rather eat

Failed firstie, someone please tell them what they've one….

As Pa Cox would say "WRONG KID DIED" or in this case kids. Kate survives but serves no purpose that we're aware of (but she still sucks), Sayid gets a bit of redemption for what he's done, and Jin and Sun get the most painful TV deaths since Juliet. Really Darlton do you have so much contempt for your audience that

The giant sandwich…
…in the picture of Morgan cause the wife and I to chuckle quite a bit.

I miss the days
When threatening people with death meant something. Either that you were going to follow through, or your ass would end up in jail. Now guys can threaten the presidents life on Twitter, or insinuate death on the creators of a TV show and nothing happens.

There the corporations go…
…being all corporationy and shit (Where are Tim Robbins, and MATT DAY-MUN when you need them). Of course they should have charged from the get go, it would have saved them a ton of head aches. They need to "train" people to pay? Well too late we're already been indoctrinated with free,

You're right Millar is just hot air personified, no substance.

HotDog Head you're right to a degree. Some things are merely ok after all, unless it's been written by Mark Millar in the 21st century, then it's just a steaming pile.

I consider myself very lucky…
..to have been able to see him live in person. Just Zevon and a piano, and got to hear many of the above, including the not yet recorded Hockey Song. Zevon even with his demons was a class act, a vastly under appreciated talent, and the world is a far worse place without him.