
I've defended the show, at least partly out of contrariness in this boring sea of pilers-on (I get it—that's the point of this site), but for the last two weeks it's seemed like it's trying to test the mettle of its performing talent, which is bona fide, against truly cliched premises and setups recycled even past the

But the genius of Seinfeld's supporting cast wasn't evident at first.  They weren't even their characters, fully, until at least the 2nd full season. Few people outside the business and comedy geeks knew how much influence David had, or even who he was, until "Curb Your Enthusiasm" made it obvious.  Right, Cummings is

Few shows come out of the gate fully formed.  The only two I can think of offhand are "Cheers" and "The Cosby Show".  I was (and am) a big "Seinfeld" fan, but in its first few episodes, it was just a halfway decent sitcom that obviously recycled a (great) standup act, not always so gracefully.  (It's too late to go

I learn again that there simply is no accounting for taste.  I defended the first episode.  This one was everything that the detractors claimed the first one was, especially the supporting cast, which is now getting cut some slack.  Chris D'Elia continues to be likable.  I may not be able to hang out here much longer,

Now you've gone and done it.  You played the According to Jim card.  Let's keep it above the belt, buddy.  Normally I'd have to spend a few seconds thinking of shows worse than Whitney to prove you wrong, but you've already done the work!  All the ones you mention except The Office qualify.  Parks & Recreation is the

You may be on to something.  Or if they had decided against the 3-camera shoot, which everyone who knows what a 3-camera shoot is knows is simply not done anymore.  For the record, I love Louie—Whitney's not even in it's league, but her show's leagues ahead of some other hyped pilots, like New Girl, as you point out

OK, the absolute wave of scorn here made me wonder if I had been watching the show with rose-colored glasses, so I gave it a second shot online.  I only needed to watch the first two scenes to confirm that my first experience was right on.  Yes, the characters, setups, and themes are all stock, but they're done well,

I feel like most everyone here is reviewing the commercials, which I agree seemed to portend the worst, and not the show, which was way better than advertised.  First episodes always seem clunky, too much exposition, no history for inside jokes, etc.  This was pretty good out of the gate in spite of that— Whitney, the