The Thin White Duke Ellington

My sister used Crash Override to deal with gamer gators fucking with her Twitch channel. Highly recommended!

I'm planning on day drinking a lot. Does that count?

My office did a $15 maximum (my call), and my assistant got huffy because she's "never spent under $50 on a gift" — there was then some drama when another coworkers said there wasn't anyone in the office she'd spend $50 on.

I have been cooking like a maniac the last few days in my new kitchen — last night was a perfect french omelette with a kale/goat cheese salad, the night before that was penne arrabbiata with andouille sausage. I'm going to be making gruyere mac and cheese tomorrow. Can't wait!

I'm going to a Kate Beaton book signing tomorrow, so everyone in my life is getting something by Kate Beaton. Hooray!

Ugggh I want to be a part of it but I'm still a Disqus holdout. Maybe if this afternoon at work is brutally boring I'll take the plunge.

Moved into a swanky new pad! Two minute walk to the subway, surprisingly quiet place, close to some of the most delicious food in Toronto…

I'm giving Jane Eyre another shot — I hated it when I read it my first year of university but I was wondering if I missed some subtleties.

Yeah that was brutal. What an ass.

All of Me and The Voice That Is are great albums worth checking out. The work with Coltrane is the high water mark but he's pretty consistently strong.

Surprisingly, no! He'd have been a great candidate for many of those tunes, but he never recorded a Christmas album. In fact, his discography is comparatively small for a jazz singer.


"Handel's Messiah needs to make up its mind on whether it's Christmas music, Easter music, or a horrifying depiction of the end times."

It's just also not true! Sinatra has long been mocked as having poor breath support and for singing flat. But I get your point — in jazz school (ugh) I heard someone argue that Ella Fitzgerald wasn't really a jazz musician because she was too polished. Please.

Wait, The Christmas Song has a "mostly monotone tune"? The entire melody is based around a series of melodic leaps, as well as several shifts in tonal centres. It's not "We Didn't Start the Fire".

Though don't interpret this as me saying I like season 2 because, wow, what a mess.

My roommate and his girlfriend are watching FNL so I got them appropriately anti-hyped for Season 2. They hated a lot of it but still found some good there, so I think a lot of the hatred of that season came from high expectations after that killer first season.

Yeah, that's why I married my cousin. To make my music more authentic.

brb getting syphilis test

I was going to get all huffy and talk about Toronto's gay scene but…yeah. Nowhere beats Germany. Maybe not even anywhere in the US.