
Got ot say this was not a good ep to start on if you've never seen the show. It was pretty dependant on familiarity. For me, this was one of the better eps lately: Amy started out as a female Sheldon, but opened up a lot more in this ep (for the better I think - I also thought she was the most interesting

*Okay, so, speculate! What did Jenner whisper to Rick?
I think he told Rick they were already carrying the virus.
When asked about the blood test results, he said something like "nothing unexpected".
Also, remember last week he said that there was something critically different about the dstroyed tissue samples and they

You're right
Back on Lost (which wasn't a perfect show - but way better than this), the flashbacks actually told a little bit of story and had some occasional action. Flashbacks of disscussions about how you don't hang with the P units on holidays -who cares? Every single flashback on last night's ep could have been