Steve Likes to Curse

I don't get the hostility toward Insurrection. Clearly it's not the best of the series. I'll even accept that it's not in the top five. But it's not a bad movie, and it's definitely not Nemesis- or Final Frontier- or Generations-bad. I find it inconsequential but likable. It's way more technically adept than Final

Anything questionable Bruce Greenwood ever does, in any film, can always be explained by him just wanting to keep the Organization from getting their hands on the negatives.

I'd swap #2 and #3, put Insurrection a few spots higher and Nemesis exactly two spots lower. But I'm nutty like that. I've always had a goofy affection for Star Trek V, even though I know intellectually that it's as far from a good movie as you can get.

Can I just say . . .