Dr. Necessitor

Triumph of the Will.

Curse you!! I've fallen into your diabolical trap!

So I should capitalize Ewok. Thanks for that.

1) Why do you think I know what an ewok is?* Because Star Wars has been shoved down my throat for 35 years now. It's fucking EVERYWHERE.

Apply generously:

Yes, I've been to Tunisia. Have you?

Tunisia really could use the tourism dollars, so I'm sad that this is going away. However, as someone who hasn't given an ewok's ass about Star Wars since 1977, I couldn't care any less.

Platoon was terrible.  I thought so when it came out and still do.

The correct answer is the Ramones at the Roxy, as featured in Rock n' Roll High School.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus - Sorry, but no.  There has to be a time when people can talk about STUFF without having the world jump on their ass for being a 'spoiler.'  I can understand not talking about the BB finale for a few weeks until everyone catches up, but 5 1/2 years later?  Gimme a break.

Dude, the Wire finale aired 5 1/2 YEARS AGO.  I think the statute of limitations is up on that one.


Am I the only one who hears this song as a murder ballad?

Oh yeah…he was (supposedly) influenced to pull this stunt by this legendary performance of Jimi Hendrix on the Lulu Show, 1969:

The amazing thing is that he does ALL of those things in this movie.

I kind of doubt he was flipping the bird to LM…after all, Lorne DID have him on again in 1989 and 1991.

At the time, it was widely believed that the Sex Pistols' cancellation as musical guests had less to do with 'visa problems' and more to do with manager Malcolm McLaren's bizarre ideas about keeping the Pistols' hidden from public view and magnifying their 'outlaw legend' status.  It's hard to tell on this small,

He also has a copy of William Poundstone's "Big Secrets."  I think I've switched to Hank's team.

Wow.  WOW.  Thank you for including Cracking Up on this list.  I've been raving about this movie for years, and hardly anyone's seen it.  It's only been sporadically available, but Warner Archive has at last released it on DVD: http://shop.warnerarchive.c…

Big Country was indeed a fine band.  Their debut album 'The Crossing' (that 'In A Big Country' was taken from) was a welcome relief from the synth pop and new romantic stuff that was coming from the UK.  They sounded like a logical extension of what Stuart Adamson's previous band, the Skids, was trying to achieve.