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    ,,, The Last Three Pieces Destroyed Me.

    Huh … while President Obama is singing Thriller, he could have been [insert any number of complex national or world issue that has remained unsolved due in part to political gridlock that the president could apparently have solved in the 15 minutes that he took out of his day to do something fun or trivial]!

    I remember reading an early review of the premise, in which the show was described as The Wire set in Gotham … the actual show misses that mark just a bit …

    I'll always believe that there are far, far more good cops than bad. Yet, instead of turning enforce on the minority of bad cops who sully the shield, and demand that they get ousted, time and effort from those in charge are put into these bullshit boycotts.

    Huck Finn.

    Agreed. The animated version of the character really captured the anger and sadness of the man.

    The Batman mythos that I always like best is akin to Nolan's, as well as some of DC's takes on the character throughout the years - that Gotham slowly but consistently slid into moral decay and corruption over decades, so that crime bosses were able to consequently gain power slowly and surely, to the point that the

    Did a couple of months that did not interfere with his season, it should be noted.

    Finally, Bill Parcells, Jerry Jones, Joe Namath and so many other forgotten NFL figures will have their stories told …

    Really like this album … but wasn't there a column about GoTJ in the AV Club just about a week or two ago?

    Yeah, I feel like people surprisingly tend to overlook the fact, or misremember, that Tom is incredibly cavalier with Jim's life and well-being, and is ignorant of Huck's feelings on the whole matter, during that last part of the book. Huck's escape to the Territories at the end, to me, is symbolic of escaping Tom and

    Ever check out the stories Twain banged out later, when he needed the cash? Where Huck and Tom become detectives, and solve crimes?

    Can we start by making a good film version of the original novel, before we're giving it indie-hipster updates?

    Wait … when is the 10% Rastification added? In the post-production?

    Yeah, I'm expecting a pseudo-bomb myself, in that it'll make enough money to warrant keeping this increasingly seeming ill-advised string of terrible sounding DC movies rolling, but no one will give shit about this movie two weeks after it's out of theaters, and it won't have any of cultural cache of the Marvel

    I heard that he did something "method-y" with the dentist scene … I dunno, pulled his own teeth or something?

    Came here to say the same thing. Penny Dreadful doesn't seem to get the press that some other cable series do, but I think that it's mesmerizingly shot, scripted and acted.

    "A lot of space … to grow …" Space?! Planet Hulk?

    "Heh, that's some vintage Bossk" [shakes head, smiles knowingly]

    Ugh … those close calls with the piranha plants STILL put a knot in my stomach ….