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    Man, when I was 14, I thought Axl sneering "What's so civil about war, anyway?" was the coolest thing in the world …

    … or maybe she'll be in the next Marvel movie?

    Agreed. Great film, but unfairly scorned, I think, for winning Best Picture. I'm not even sure that "overrated" best describes it, because I think it is very good; it's just not Goodfellas …

    Yeah, but I guess they decided to steer clear the delightfully goofy villain treatment from TV's Flash, and make this Capt. Boomerang look like a reject from a bad late 80s action flick.

    I mean, a team of super heroes in brightly colored costumes … audiences don't want to see that!

    Yeah, I phrased that wrong - I meant to compliment his musical taste, not imply that he isn't as funny as Fallon.

    Dave can do one thing that Fallon does well - he continually picks good musical acts to be on his show. Yeah, I'm sure he has staff that points him in the right direction, but his more-often-than-not enthused reactions to good young bands seems genuine.

    This may be a dream I had once, but I thought that I had heard once that the Coens were interested in this, and that James Gandolfini had been mentioned for the lead role.

    HAve you watched Ripper Street on BBC America? While led by three male characters, there are several interesting, hold-there-own female characters, especially in Season 2.

    "Say, man, do you support the Compromise of 1850?"

    Eh, I'll stick with Firefox Clay2000Pounds …

    "Avengers: Eh, It's a Night Out, I Guess …"

    One of my top 10 favorite books, yet I had no idea this was being adapted! Quite frankly, I'm glad this ended up as a BBC series instead of a film - I'm more optimistic for a better adaptation.

    True Detective 3 - Johnny Depp and Adrien Brody. Make it happen.

    Batman's a detective!

    Agreed - I'll take the goofiness of Ant-Man, the can-do derring-do of the Avengers, and the whiz-bang style of TV's The FLash over this seemingly over-baked Nolan anyday …

    … followed by a 28 minute monologue about the horrors of Sea World, Blackfish-style …

    Haven't watched this yet, so maybe I'm asking a moot question by now, but is that the permanent costume? Or is it a kinda Batman Year 1 thing?

    Same here - I really love all of the MCU, and Paul Rudd is an American treasure, and I like Ant-Man … but I really feel like this film is drowning in the wake of the Age of Ultron tidal wave of publicity and anticipation. Which is a shame, because I do think these film looks kinda neat, and I do like the idea of

    Flash really does have some ridiculous enemies … which makes the show all the better for rendering these guys in all their asinine glory.