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    $24? A bargain! Thanks, Josh!

    Best book cover of the year, in my opinion.

    Two things - am I really misguided here, in thinking that Walt's revelation of the ricin poisoning to Lydia gave her time to call a doctor or a hospital, and that his intention was to scare the shit out of her (quite literally …)?

    The Wire, The Shield, and Mad Men are my Holy Trinity.

    Is there an antidote for ricin poisoning, though? My thought was that immediately after speaking with Walt, she could call 911 and report that she was poisoned.

    Yeah, I thought the same … like, how on earth, in his state, could he have driven from NH to NM, secured the stolen car and the machine gun, made contact with Beaver and Skinny Pete, got the machine-gun to work JUST right, then … and then I remembered the three hours of gut punches from the last two episodes, and

    Agreed. The climax of this story arc was Ozymandias, and the last two episodes were the resolution, which gave us Jesse strangling the life out of Todd.

    Hopefully it has the emotional heft of Blue Bloods …

    Think Girardi will send Pettitte and Jeter out there to pull Breaking Bad in the 9th? That'd be the classy thing to do …

    Interviews with the man from the past decade or so reveal that he pretty much lives the life of an Elmore Leonard/Thomas Pynchon character … I really like this Eddie Vedder a lot better than the more pretentious, younger version …

    Yeah, it's tempting to forget that. I read an interview with Aaron Paul recently (I think in Rolling Stone or Rolling Stone online) where he pretty much said as much: that viewers find themselves feeling sorry for Jesse, and "forgive" Jesse for many of the bad things that he has done throughout the show's run

    Part of me wants him to go back with that giant machine-gun and rescue Jesse … but that's just not this show. And I can't imagine that he's going to kill Elliot or Gretchen … I really have no idea how this is all going to end.

    Seriously, absolute perfect casting … topped only by getting Charlie Rose to play Charlie Rose.

    Eh, I think Saul made up his mind before that. "It's over" indeed …

    Yeah, I said the same thing to my girlfriend - the final episode has to have Jesse destroying Todd.

    "Cashing another billion-dollar check"

    Is a weeping Dave Mustaine in this one, too?

    I firmly believe that there were seeds of today's better TV dramas in Wiseguy and Crime Story … I've always thought those two shows were terrific.

    No fight clubs here in the tri-state area after Sandy … although we did get that Stronger Than the Storm song, which might be worse …

    But did this show ever show anyone actually smoking? He always seemed to be waving around an unlit cig …