
Yeah, it kind of seems like they're using time-travel? Because when the Rabbit meets the Knave guy, it's set in Present Day Storybrooke, but obviously the stuff with Alice in the Asylum cannot be.

Did you mean to make this reply on a review for Once Upon a Time? I'm a little lost.

I don't know, this episode didn't really work for me. I think it was mainly because like… while a lot of the stuff they said worked and was true for Cory, very little of it actually worked for Finn? Like Finn, as presented in the show, was really /not/ a good person? I don't know. It just always bothered me when the

I know Naveen isn't white (he's actually Indian, not Middle Eastern), that was my point. That without the Aladdin elements the show /would/ just be a bunch of white people. (Your plastic comment made me laugh though)

I thought the CGI for the White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat wasn't bad. I was even impressed in some cases (especially compared to the CGI in OUAT). I mean, it is TV CGI after all. That said, pretty much everything else was really bad, like the ending scene and when Jafar rides away on his carpet.

The fact that Jafar is in it is the only thing that really saved it for me (though Naveen's hairdo and get up don't help). Otherwise this show is a whole bunch of white people and bad CGI.

I, too, thought she was meant to be the Queen of Hearts and had an angry rant brewing while watching the episode about how Cora was revealed to be the Queen of Hearts and how stupid it was they retconned that and replaced her with a young, thin, Paris Hilton wannabee who literally duckfaces in her introduction scene,

I like the Knave actor guy so far, he seems familiar, though I wish this show (and OUAT) were a lot better at race diversity. Like, you have the opportunity to retell these stories, but you just keep retelling them in the same old white heteronormative way. Like if it weren't for adding Aladdin elements to this story,

The show is kind of predictable in that I think, with only a handful of exceptions, Jane (or the other lawyers) never lose the case (and if they did lose the case, it's usually in a "lost the battle but won the war" kind of way). But that honestly doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would and I think it's

Huh. I actually liked this episode and thought it was a definite step up from the premiere. Guess I'm in the minority.

" It then goes and pulls an almost shot for shot "homage" (*cough*rip off*cough*) of the "Carrie" Prom scene, and NO ONE thinks to make a comment on it? Jesus Fucking Christ. At least own it, Murphy."

I think most people are just bothered by the fact that it's like her first audition and of course she gets it because she's Rachel and has never really had to struggle to overcome anything?

"Penny is played by Phoebe Strole, whom you may know as yet another Spring Awakeninggraduate, but whom I know as the pregnant donut store worker whose baby Liz Lemon wants to adopt."

I thought the episode was good. I laughed out loud more than I did for the premiere. (Though this might have something to do with watching Glee right before it, god that show is terrible).

Paul was Jenna's long-term partner who would dress in drag a lot

Pretty sure Mindy's brother Rishi was aspiring to become a rapper, not a DJ.

I don't know. Season One had emotional beats like that fairly consistently over the season (usually between Mindy and Danny) that the ending montage didn't feel out of place to me.

I would not at all be surprised if they just hired white people with tans.

Give it a rest, Britta.