
I think a lot of it stems from two things: one, being that which is mentioned in the review, that Emma with her "truth superpower" asks Regina if she loves Henry and when she says "of course I do", Emma's reaction (and then how she chooses to stay in Storybrooke in the next scene) is meant to tell the audience "no she

I really hope that's how it plays out, that we are left with Robbie Kay for Henry and this was all part of a very long actor recast-esque thing.

Ugh. They got it right by having Pan and Henry switch, and then they went and pulled an OUAT and put all the burden of acting that switch on Gilmore. WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYY?! Do the writers honestly believe he is a good actor? vkljfngbkhjb

Well, here's a fun fact: Sam was originally intended to be Kurt's boyfriend, but they degayed him partway through Season Two. This is why, generally speaking, Kurt and Sam have better chemistry and better harmonies than Kurt/Blaine, because Sam was literally picked to be Kurt's boyfriend (and thus had to do chemistry

Sam/Kurt would have been a better development.

Marley/Jack/Ryder could actually be decently compelling if the show went down a polyamourous triad path. As it is, it is instead just par for the course dull glee love triangle.

Majora's Mask hands down. It's the only one I replay on a near annual basis.

I've been having a hard time watching Awkward during this second half of the season. They've just turned Jenna so unlikeable, and on the one hand while I can admire the show doing that intentionally and with purpose and know it will be resolved later, that doesn't make any more easier or enjoyable to watch. I think

I wasn't really talking about on a mythological level. I meant even on a basic character/acting/cinematography/writing level. The dialogue and character beats in OUAT are so much worse than on Lost. Lost, while your mileage may vary on how they handled the mystery aspects, most would agree they were very good at

I felt similarly about Snow and Charming, until the actual "fight" so to speak, where they finally talked to each other. I liked that bit for some reason and it sort of made up for all the rest. For me anyway. But yeah, I wouldn't mind them being put on the back burner and letting other characters move to the

What I don't get is why they need the Shadow at all. Couldn't they just use Pixie dust or whatever? I thought that's why they were looking for Tink in the first place.

Bringing up the writers' past work on Lost here feels weird to me, because it's brought up like Lost is terrible, when really, compared to OUAT it's infinitely better. I'm constantly amazed (in a bad way) that these two worked on Lost (and actually wrote some really good episodes) because their writing here on OUAT

Glee does not need your defending, lol.

"You want to be yourself?! In GLEE club?!! Well FUCK YOU, MARLY! A week's suspension, I don't even want to look at you."—Teacher of the Year, Will Schuester

Though at the same time, one of the earlier episodes had Fiona admitting that Laveau (and voodoo in general?) was more powerful than what they had. I'm just hoping it was simply that Laveau was caught off guard, not expecting anyone to do what Zoe did, and that's why it worked.

I got the feeling that Zoe called Misty there again, like Zoe in particular seemed troubled by the burning and the camera kept doing close ups on her. So I imagined like with Tate 2.0, her distraught brought Misty.

I don't think the mother's love actually helped. It seemed more like Fiona was dealing through personal issues and just wanted to hear the mom say it before she bestowed the gift of a live baby unto her.

The lights were so bad, but even worse was when the nurse popped in to yell at Fiona and Frank(?). Like, seeing this normal person in this spoooooky~ setting, I half-expected the nurse to shout "and some fix these goddamn lights" on the way out.

What if Cordelia is the Supreme and it just took getting acid on her face for her to finally start blossoming late in life?!

I kind of got the impression that only novice witches broadcast their thoughts, and that it's something you learn to contain. So Fiona and the council wouldn't easily let them hear their thoughts and Nan isn't experienced enough to "break" them so to speak.