Evelyn Roak

If you're using firefox you can get the extenstion DownThemAll. Then, go to the rss feed page of the podcast and, bing, bang, boom you can download all the content (unclick the options for images, etc) in one fell swoop (it will open its own window with progress and other info — just create a folder for them to go

As much as I could take. Yeah, they aren't Rancid, but they are Springsteen meets Richard Hell and the Replacements with a heavy dose of suburban b.s. Though, it has more to do with their "ethos." Their variances from any mold is so firmly contained to strict margins, i.e. predictable outrageousness. The rock opera

"All you need is a laptop, some talent and one track"
That's true

Well, color me surprised. That LA anarchy shirt really makes you think they might have. Fits right in with the conservative, unimaginative, orthodox idea of "punk" and some false purity of Rock AND Roll these jabronis traffic in. I don't think they'd know what to do with electric eels, let alone Danny and the

Oh wow, Fickles and Stinn in one place, puffing each other up with adolescent ideas of rock and roll purity and catharsis and PUNK and commerce and authenticity? And it is on Grantland, just the right site to actually believe those simplistic, teenage fantasies? Get out of here! I bet they bring up Black Flag too!

How was there only one reply to this? Fantastic episode. The Aloha review was amazing: "Do you want to understand what's going on? GET OUT OF HERE!")

Like, holy fuck, Middleditch is outstanding. Between this and his Hollywood Handbook appearance (that "We WIll Rock You"), wow, that flight simulator loving fool is hilarious.

Any failure of that episode to achieve greatness has little burden laid upon Claudia O'Doherty's shoulders. If anything the fact that she wasn't allowed to even do anything because Stars (your favorite musical theater bro's and gal's who decided to start a fake indie group) wouldn't shut up and let the comedians do

Oh, its not a trainwreck at all. Just frustrating because there is zero doubt in my mind a Claudia O'Doherty/Neil Campbell episode could be up there with Tony Macaroni, but instead this crummy band (I admit to not liking Stars, but I also don't like St. Vincent and she was great on the show) keeps on shooting the

it is definitely worth listening to. maybe some of the bitching here is overdone. but it could have been much better if stars would just take a but of a breather.

you got it.

love for all!

Yeah, I hear you, and we're discussing a comedy podcast, so….
but I guess I found it irritating because it seemed the constant wind being taken from the sails was because Stars wouldn't take a back seat for 2 minutes and let the funny people be funny.

Basically all her comedy is herself as character. So, I'd say you were 50% right.

Eh. There are countless guests who have the flimsiest of pretenses and make their appearances into something funny, Claudia O'Doherty included. Obviously the requisite subjectivity of comedy, etc but her appearance with Kroll especially is pretty amazing and she is hilarious. I don't think improvising well with others

Seriously. Claudia O'Doherty is the best and to be saddled with these unfunny schmos from this horrible band and their theater-school senses of humor trampling all possible jokes….yikes. So annoying.

-Don't you think the hillbilly could have used a couple…

-Don't you think the hillbilly could have used a couple…

Henry's Dress, "Jimmy" :

Henry's Dress, "Jimmy" :