
Eli's Coming. What a great episode that was.

seems like there would be some overlap, though, right? taste for the intricate & tightly-constructed, rewarding the obsessive who re-watches/listens for nuance and revels in subtlety? 
to be fair, joan baez does sort of suck. ps, http://allyouneedissmiles.y…

@Critcho:disqus let's just all take a moment and think about how goddamn beautiful that chord progression in "don't talk" is.

of COURSE stone cold stephen F austin is a lawyer. i should've known. and, he's right. i use a fax constantly. it's like a little trip back in time to 1991 each time!

alternately, you could piss on a line drawing of osama's face, whilst standing in the bed of a pickup truck, looking behind yourself with a mischevious smirk.

IS, however, related to Lee Marvin.

"she don't use jelly" (the BFF cover, that is) is one of my all-time favorite songs. The super lush orchestration, gorgeous chords… the best. Also own Naked Baby Photos—mostly out of undying love for the guy and BFF, and not because i needed my own copy of "satan is my master." I'd settle for "songs for silverman"-era

it didn't get *enough* high praise and adulation. i think it should've gotten as much (or nearly as much) praise as kanye's album. it's just… so good. and there is more talk about ejaculation on that album than on five savage love podcasts, which took me a few listen-throughs to realize.

Nth Polyphonic Spree (i was in tears) and jazz. Add: FEIST. i left with a desperate crush on her. it was a small venue (Belly Up in Solana Beach), and she most definitely seduced the whole room. Also, BLONDE REDHEAD (in the same venue) was way better live than recorded, I'd say.
and, just because if i don't share

i think it wasn't so much a "joke" as it was a commentary on how random and insane this event seems, and the rantings of crazy people are just as sensical as any other theory.

my mom did the "workout" on this video every morning for years. it was a daily struggle not to just stand in the living room and laugh at both of them.
