Johnny Cheapo

You sure you don't mean The Dwarves?

Rock n Roll decadence isn't dead it just went underground. Rock n Roll don't pay the bills here. Its much more dangerous here than the spotlight of a Rolling Stone cover.

Unknown album
Congrates to Greg for another accomplishment, now he can pay off his mansion in L.A. and skip to the east coast.

Movies about dogs
For the Love of Benji comes in pretty close to Clockwork Orange.

I like it but…
Remember Seaweed?

Great bands, but 1st album is the apex.
I loved Face to Face when they first came out. The first album is a high point in punk rock songwriting and musicianship by any standard. The lyrics are more thoughtful and introspective than any punk band of the time, bordering on the straight-edge, positive hardcore lyrics ala

Your not getting older the kids are getting older
I have been involved with the punk rock scene since the 80s and saw my fair share of great punk bands, but my philosophy about music since the turn of century is that "everything old is new again". And I'm sure that sentiment has been echoed many time here. But as a

What does 138 Danzigs equal?
I'll take my reply off the air.

Does that mean you won't buy my CD?

I prefer John Belushi and blow so your request will be granted soon. In the meantime enjoy this little video of my fat ass rolling around.

Paul is dead
Hurry up and download my new CD at iTunes before I get big and famous just so you can say that you knew about my music way before I sold out and started to do black tar heroin and then kill myself.

Hurry up and download my new CD at iTunes before I get big and famous kill myself just so you can say that you knew about my music way before I sold out and started to bitch and whine about why i'm making so much money abd can't find friend except through $100 woth of black tar heroin.

forget Jack White, Buy my CD
Hurry up and download my new CD at iTunes before I get big and famous just so you can say that you knew about my music way before I sold out and started to sell rare eps on vinyl for $200.

Rock n roll..
Not long ago music was in some ways a polar opposite of art. But as things I never new once happen again I aware that a great generation of poetic Gutter musings are upon us. Punk WAS poetry and Smith portrayal of it
Giving every thing she ever had was what any sould would ever have. It
Extends to all

Attention Strummer haters!
Where the fuck where you guys when he was alive. That's right, I never heard any detractors then. Once a guy dies and leaves a legacy now's your chance to spit on his grave.

I was gonna say something smart ass but…
…I was deeply moved by this video. SPike Jonze does an excellent job of updating 1980's style suburban teen boredom with what i take as a portrayal of conflicts in Gaza and Israel (or it could be Bosnia). The Arcade Fire have always been one of my favorite "new" bands who have

What's a sell-out?
Sell-out? What does that mean? Does it mean one band sell a couple a million more records than the other?

I was about to repyl but now I see the irony. thanks

Forget the actors, what about all those overly distracting musicians
Apart from all the Madonnas, Lady Gagas and Maralyn Mansons of the world who make business decisions as oppossed artistic decicions to do so; there are many musicians whose music just doesn't mean anything anymore because they keep feeding us the

She Rocks Live
To tell you the truth, there are some bands/artist that you just need to spend your money to see them live and save your money on buying the album. I saw Juliette and Licks at Sunset Junction in Silverlake a few years ago and I was blown away. Later i took a listen to the music on her website and