George Liquor

He probably has. Fortunately, those teeny little baby fingers can't work the keypad.

Oh, and also the Keystone Oil Pipeline's going through again.

Yep, and now I've been warped back in time three years.

Through some bizarre glitch in the Matrix, I'm back to my old AV Club account, and I can't log out of it.


Why does the Batmobile more closely resemble a dune buggy with every new iteration?

We needed to know anything about Naboo precisely because we were supposed to give a shit about its inhabitants. (All 20 or so of them.) The movie's biggest conflict revolves around the threat of blockade and invasion, but without knowing who these people were or why they were being invaded, there's no connection with

If "yoda kicking ass" is all you ever wanted to see, then these were just the movies for you, and I'm sure you were happy as a pig in shit. If, however, you cared in the least about what made Yoda's character interesting in the first place, Shitty CGI Cartoon Yoda bouncing off walls & doing Street Fighter moves

The problem I have with Palpatine's use of a lightsaber comes from RotJ, when Vader gives Luke's lightsaber to the Emperor. He looks at it and says, "Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon" as though it's a toy that's beneath him. He obviously didn't need a lightsaber to mess Luke over, what with the lightning fingers & such.

There are a few clunky lines, to be sure. the one that really stuck out to me was in Star Wars, when Han says, "Ihopethatoldmangotthattractorbeamoutof

Then you watch that scene where Anakin offs a whole room full of "younglings…"

Or about 20 million Chuck E Cheese tokens.

My favorite match-up was Dreadnought vs Arilou. The AI was smart enough not to launch the Dreadnought's drones at ships with point defenses, but it would waste about half its crew sending drones after everything else. The Arilou ship was fast & maneuverable enough to dodge the drones, and its laser was always aimed at


Yes, the PDP-1: Pinnacle of our great nation's technological achievements. But we're not done yet, boy howdy. Our top futureologists believe that, by the year 1999, computers will be twice as powerful and ten times as big!

The idea that Macs are better suited for graphics, or really any other specific application, is obsolete. From a hardware perspective, a Mac is a PC to the extent it can even run operating systems designed for PCs. Case in point: I have an old Macbook dual-booted with OS X and Linux, and it's running a Windows XP VM.

I haven't seen one without an OS at all, but Costco sells PCs preloaded with Windows 7 still.

So I was a test engineer for a little while in 2012, and I had to work with what was, at the time, Server 2012's release candidate. I had it running on a couple of blade servers, but they didn't have IP addresses assigned yet, so I had to use the blade chassis' iLO console to finish configuring them. (An iLO console

Bill Hicks hated stuff that deserved to be hated. That particular kind of hatred does not lead to everlasting life.

There's a common question lobbed at atheists that goes something like, "Why did you choose to reject God?" That one tends to stick in my craw because it's so dishonest; it's sorta like asking, "When did you choose to stop killing babies?"