
The moral high ground (and how to lose it)
I'm a new-comer to "It's Always Sunny" (just finished watching season 3 on Wednesday after a 10 day mini-marathon), but one thing I love more than anything else is the deplorableness of every character on there, a feeling obviously shared by Donna, Noel and 90% of the

I'm barely 24 and washed up, my Pilgrim years are behind me already. Baywatch Nights had ghosts and whatnot. Ghosts!

You seem to have forgotten my personal number 1:
Baywatch motherfucking Nights.

The Alchemist, The Secret, Conversations With God, The Da Vinci Code
Seriously though, bring the fucking Vonnegut!

I hardly know her!

1999, shit. You must remember though, websites were granted a degree of credulity in New Zealand above the way they were thought of in the rest of the world due to the fact that the internets arrived a scant 15 years after the introduction of electricity to our small land and a mere 20 after the last of the orcs were

14 again
The first time I got stoned (it was second time I smoked, but I must have done something wrong the first) was with two friends before watching this at the cinema. I thought it was pretty lame, all build-up and no release plus I was disappointed I didn't get to see the 'witch'.

I love you and always will, Nathan
thank god you've decided to keep it up.

No problems with him but,
Ben Affleck has really let himself go

hey, I'm with you there man, let's google bomb (as I believe the kids call it) elephant 6, you can see from my original subject title that it's all good to me.

Everything is beautiful here
Loving the feature, though I did want to ask if this article has the record for most Elephant 6 references outside of any article on Elephant 6?

Friday night in outpatient's
why the two parter?

SXSW: The 80s MOR event of the year!
First Hall, then REM? Now all they need is Phil Collins!

definitely a turtles rip-off, the theme song mentioned that 'they have more fur than any turtle ever had'. It also took place in 'New Tokyo', which was considerably less cool than Neo-Tokyo

I agree with Liz81: I, for an example, am both an analyst and a therapist.

Joe Francis is not afraid to ask the hard questions
"Why has Joe Francis been refused bail, when defendants charged with far worse crimes (like OJ Simpson and Phil Spector) are allowed to walk free?"

New Order
3 moderately talented guys my arse, New Order in the 80s were head and shoulders above everyone barring Talking Heads, who they were merely… er… head above

You should have asked him…
if he was bald when The Simpsons started or if it's a case of life imitating art

Dark Crystal
I had the picture/audio book combo of The Dark Crystal when I was young, think it's still somewhere in my parent's garage.