
Ohh, the squires at the AV club— where they are so damn insecure about their points of view that they have to ram it down the tenant's throats with every snide article after snide article.

Cause they know it's some good shit, that's why. But of course, they seem to overrate the empty political, theoretical bent of such hero flicks like the oh-so-mighty Iron Man and Nolan's Batman to affirm their tastes. They get a proper flick that's somewhat Christian in tone and they go fuckin' berserk. Transparent

Gloria Estefan, is that you?

"The bulk of snark is directed at SCIENCE."

Ohh man, I've got flagged. Is it because I called the writer of this article a middle school c*nt for petty instigating? Fuck me, duly noted…duly noted. And get this!!: I fuckin' hate MSNBC and that Mika chick— nice cleavage though, the c*nt.


LOL @ the AV club for putting out yet another article to be dismissive of Man of Steel in lieu of genuinely insightful critical analysis.

"Despite a needlessly convoluted plot, a dreary visual palette, and a take on its titular titan that deviated rather dramatically from everything folks know and love about Kal-El…"

"Also, two words: baby oil"

lol the excessive sense of self-importance

No, a persecution complex fostered through the rationalization of unsubstantiated opinions, the venting of uninformed emotions, and the apparent habit of acting on those opinions and emotions while ignoring or dismissing others' inclinations, without having the personal experience to weigh one inclination against

@Citric Sung Kang, when watching himself in Tokyo Drift.

More like a *Pan*a-vision, amirite? hehelol

Don't you get it Chris Conley, those movies are superficially smart so they're okay to be fun! while Paul W.S. Anderson and Michael Bay movies and the Fast and Furious movies are superficially dumb so it's absolutely NOT okay for them to be fun and enjoyable.

"heh" what can I say,  I like my actors dumb and my movies dumber!! "Me like Gary Cooper," says the lovely lass in that Ozu movie.

"I've spent years here backing up my "idiotic" comments with thousands upon thousands of keystrokes that add up to a clear and consistent viewpoint."

Nice glib assumption there, Craig J. Clark. Just thought I register and drop in to post a positive comment on the last Fast and Furious movie, Fast Five (— which I initially did). But then I saw your idiotic comment, and couldn't help myself. And to be fair to myself, you have a history of these posts.

What have we here! Oh yeah, Craig J. Clark shitting on another movie he has never seen yet perceived to be absolute shit based on it not being on the Criterion Collection database or being hailed by the New Yorker! Ohh such a lovely young man with such impeccable foretaste.

Fast Five is very good; not as good as Paul W.S. Anderson's Death Race though.