
Last time we saw oranges Ted broke his neck. I wonder what the motif borrowed from the Godfather means for Walt and the neighbor lady?!?!!??!

Is it just me or does the widespread marijuana use not seem very realistic? Literally almost all of the characters on the show have been shown using it or have spoken of their use. I realize that it was the 60's and people were experimenting with new things, but even still, it was something like 20% of Americans who

I recently watched this and I think that Ralph did start the fire. When he and Tony have his argument Ralph says "I dont hear you complaining when I bring you at fat envelope full of cash. You dont care where that money comes from… What, are you a vegetarian…"

The Super Bowl thing is completely inaccurate.The Super Bowl Peggy refers to is Super Bowl II, which at the time was not called the Super Bowl at all but in the AFL-NFL Championship Game. Super Bowl was not used until Super Bowl III and not officially till Super Bowl IV. Secondly, the "Super Bowl" at the time was not

I also like how Todd talks about how he views this show with a fundementalist backround, and in a way there is a fundementalist feel to the show. Obviously nothing to do with religion, but fundementalists view that everyone is divided into good and evil. In the show, there seems to be an overlying theme that there is

I also like how Todd talks about how he views this show with a fundementalist backround, and in a way there is a fundementalist feel to the show. Obviously nothing to do with religion, but fundementalists view that everyone is divided into good and evil. In the show, there seems to be an overlying theme that there is

I also like how Todd talks about how he views this show with a fundementalist backround, and in a way there is a fundementalist feel to the show. Obviously nothing to do with religion, but fundementalists view that everyone is divided into good and evil. In the show, there seems to be an overlying theme that there is

I also like how Todd talks about how he views this show with a fundementalist backround, and in a way there is a fundementalist feel to the show. Obviously nothing to do with religion, but fundementalists view that everyone is divided into good and evil. In the show, there seems to be an overlying theme that there is

All of the above are true I think. Maybe not necessarily the last gaps necessarily, I dont think America is done. But certainly the last gasp of the Cold War style America in a Bi-Polar powered world. This is the world that generation grew up and it is through that lense they see the United States. But clearly that

All of the above are true I think. Maybe not necessarily the last gaps necessarily, I dont think America is done. But certainly the last gasp of the Cold War style America in a Bi-Polar powered world. This is the world that generation grew up and it is through that lense they see the United States. But clearly that

As someone who grew up in the 2000's, the Sopranos
captures everything about the time better than anything else I have ever seen
or read. I wish I could teach a class on the 2000's by just using the
Soprano's. David Chase really hit the nail on the head. If a Tale of Two Cities
is the quintessential French Revolution

As someone who grew up in the 2000's, the Sopranos
captures everything about the time better than anything else I have ever seen
or read. I wish I could teach a class on the 2000's by just using the
Soprano's. David Chase really hit the nail on the head. If a Tale of Two Cities
is the quintessential French Revolution

No Life is Good, hmmmmmmm I personally think that it will be an album that we recieve more praise and attention several years from now that when it first came out.

No Life is Good, hmmmmmmm I personally think that it will be an album that we recieve more praise and attention several years from now that when it first came out.

No weisenheimer, they both involve a much larger power that views the smaller one as illegitimate and seeks to absorb it.

No weisenheimer, they both involve a much larger power that views the smaller one as illegitimate and seeks to absorb it.

Also, I have always felt that there were parallels between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Lupertazzi-Soprano war?

Also, I have always felt that there were parallels between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Lupertazzi-Soprano war?

Did anyone else feel that at least part of the reason Melfi fired tony was that Elliot and her other colleagues humiliated her about Tony at the dinner?

Did anyone else feel that at least part of the reason Melfi fired tony was that Elliot and her other colleagues humiliated her about Tony at the dinner?