
My girlfriend in high school had it. She thought Iha was dreamy.

In the space of less than 2,000 words, here, 'dreamy' appears no less than seven times.

In the space of less than 2,000 words, here, 'dreamy' appears no less than seven times.

I always thought 'British free improvisation group started in the 60s' (3 letters) would be a good A.V. Club crossword clue.

I always thought 'British free improvisation group started in the 60s' (3 letters) would be a good A.V. Club crossword clue.

I did it in the Print Edition, too. It's been available on the rather excellent Shortyz app for Android and eventually I moved over to doing it on there. Un/fortunately I have a tendency to cheat in electronic crossword puzzles because it's just so damn easy.

I did it in the Print Edition, too. It's been available on the rather excellent Shortyz app for Android and eventually I moved over to doing it on there. Un/fortunately I have a tendency to cheat in electronic crossword puzzles because it's just so damn easy.

It's about fucking Steve Albini

It's about fucking Steve Albini

Because the vocals are pretty boring.

Because the vocals are pretty boring.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I find it rather sad, and a little disturbing, that you can't possibly conceive of any reason to spend time with children other than having sex with them.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I find it rather sad, and a little disturbing, that you can't possibly conceive of any reason to spend time with children other than having sex with them.

I was a little confused by it. She did mention that she wanted to get access to people as they left, but at the same time Gwen Ifill just seemed so flabbergasted at her being outside, and I thought someone mentioned being kicked out. I can't seem to find a clip online.

I was a little confused by it. She did mention that she wanted to get access to people as they left, but at the same time Gwen Ifill just seemed so flabbergasted at her being outside, and I thought someone mentioned being kicked out. I can't seem to find a clip online.

That's where I spent the most amount of time, especially after the election was called. I was watching Drunk Diane Sawyer for awhile (I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet, but my favorite moment from her was her pronunciation of 'Jorge Ramos' and 'Univision'), but it got tremendously annoyed by our

That's where I spent the most amount of time, especially after the election was called. I was watching Drunk Diane Sawyer for awhile (I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet, but my favorite moment from her was her pronunciation of 'Jorge Ramos' and 'Univision'), but it got tremendously annoyed by our

"My son is with them."
"Are you sure?"
"I have felt him, my master."
"Strange that I have not…"