
Really interesting, DanielKurland. It's kind of depressing that NewsRadio's primary legacy seems to be in preventing its actors from doing other notable work and causing general cultural ruination (although I am probably alone on this site in liking Everybody Loves Raymond).

"But I think Colbert was working on Strangers With Candy at the time, and besides, the show had to scramble after Hartman's death. I wish they found a groove earlier with Lovitz but I'm happy we had a fifth season regardless and Lovitz stepping up is what made that possible. "

would have *been* nearly seamless.

Sure, but I was thinking that given that Colbert was playing a role pretty close to "Stephen Colbert" as early as 1999 (as the closeted gay teacher in Strangers with Candy), it doesn't seem like such a stretch that if he had joined NewsRadio, the transition would have nearly seamless.

Instead of Jon Lovitz, ______?
I mentioned this in a previous comment, but I'm curious what people have to say about this. Some commenters said that they wouldn't have minded if they hadn't brought in a replacement for Phil at all. But I think that it would have been interesting had Stephen Colbert came on board.

Goddamn it, first my comment below doesn't appear, then it does. This is frustrating. I think I'll calm myself down by watching the Wizard of Oz.

Thanks — say, the actress that played Elmira Gulch: was she naked in anything as well? I might as well get it all in one order, save on the shipping and all that.

And while we're on the topic of wanking off to actresses, did Margaret Hamilton appear naked in anything? I might as well get it in the same order as True Blood. Save on shipping and all that.

I know you were being sarcastic, but goddamn if you didn't just give me a reason to actually buy a DVD of True Blood. Say, which episode and season did she get naked in?

David Cross briefly discusses this movie in the first episode of the new podcast series of Doug Loves Movies. Spoiler alert: he likes it.

And what about Roosevelt? He looks pretty damn good on the dime.

I wasn't being sarcastic, by the way.

Huh. Okay, I'll let that be the last word, and defer to your greater knowledge in the matter.

You know something? I almost never do this, but I'm going to extend a partial olive branch. And by that, I mean I'm going to cut out the snark and write straightforwardly, without sarcasm.

If amuck is good enough for Chuck Jones, it should be good enough for you.

That Chinese guy who turns to look at her, bemused by the middle-aged woman in a tutu: he's one of my favorite characters on the show.

It's a ridiculous show, like The Cape. It's hugely enjoyable and is smart enough to realize how ridiculous it is, unlike The Cape.

At 17:15, if anyone wants a look.

Nice touch — poster in basement
There was a poster in the basement that Chance passes for the musical "Lease", in the style of "Rent".

"From the yawn-inducing, bureaucratic opening crawl of The Phantom Menace—taxation, trade federation, and blockades?—we knew something was up."