
Never Lupus?
I thought that there was an episode with a lupus diagnosis.

Incidentally, I have not read any spoilers, so that wasn't some subtle way of telegraphing that Sawyer dies — I have no idea what happens next beyond the previews at the end of this week's episode. Honest to God, it was just me not paying attention to the TV near the end of the episode.

Oops. I really have to give the TV my full attention during Lost instead of manipulating spreadsheets in Excel.

Missed Opportunity
I was sure that Sawyer was going to call Richard "Batmanuel" at some point during the series.

*That's* the Brubaker graphic novel they decide to film?
I like a lot of what he's done, and Incognito isn't bad, but I'd have to put it near the bottom of the list both in terms of quality and wanting to see a movie version of it.

Theme from an Imaginary Midget Western
I can't believe nobody mentioned the Adrenalin O.D. song yet.

"and drinks Smirnoff in his vodka martinis"

Cheers had a bowling episode, where it turns out that Diane is actually pretty good at it, allowing the gang to beat their hated rivals from another bar.

"Only two episodes left before the season finale." — Season Cliffhanger?
So does that mean that the season finale will be a cliffhanger, and next season will wrap up all the loose ends from this one? I don't see how they can make sense of everything in 3 episodes, even if the finale is 2 hours long.

"Offer 10,000 for permanent rights to any scripts submitted to SNL online."

Thanks — I still the Colossus of Rhodes thing has been mentioned before, but the lighthouse made me think that maybe they were going for something like this.

How many of the 7 wonders of the world have been referenced so far?
Tonight had a lighthouse (Lighthouse at Alexandria), Jacob lived in the remains of a gigantic statue's foot (Colossus at Rhodes), a bunch of them were at a temple (Temple of Artemis at Ephesus? The real one was marble), and Ben accessed the wheel

Trotsky Icepick — Hot Pop Hello
Ah, the glory days of SST records.

I've got to agree with lexicondevil here: there are almost no physical descriptions of the narrator in Invisible Man (which would be a problem in adapting, but not one that couldn't be overcome), which was part of the point of the novel.

Okay, that's not necessarily true. How about "*that* would be a great book to make a movie out of".

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison — now *that* would be a great movie adaptation of a book.

Fiasco would be better
"Still, Lem's His Master's Voice could potentially be made into a decent film, even if it would by necessity wind up looking an awful lot like Contact."

The kids on Season 3 of 24 …
… are listening to "Autumn Sweater" by Yo La Tengo as they make out/get it on.

Anyone else remember that song by Too Much Joy?
You know, the one called "My Past Lives"? They recorded it to make fun of Shirley MacLaine's insane narcissism in determining the identities of her past lives.

The look on Glenn Close's face
"When Tom was handed the file that contained the information, I assumed from his reaction shot that it would be episodes before we found out what was in the folder."