
Never mind — I just figured out that he's Chris Vance (Whistler on Prison Break season 3).

Gilroy — Who is the actor and where have I seen him?
imdb claims that Gilroy is played by Rus Blackwell, but I have a suspicion that they put the wrong pictures with that actor's profile. So who played Gilroy and where the hell have I seen him before?

"Now can someone explain to me Ellen with a shotgun in the opening montage?"

Boyfriend (if I remember correctly) had a change of heart and ending up killing the dirty cop hitman (shot him when he got into his car).

"When a character's nationality is as inextricably wrapped into his, well, character as Constantine's is, fans are going to be pissed when you change it for blatantly consumerist reasons."

"Or if you took King Lear and made him Japanese, and turned his daughters into sons, it would be decried as, well, really cool and brilliant."

Yeah, a lot of the hate came from people who were too wedded to the Constantine character in the comics (the most ridiculous complaints were those focused on the fact that Keanu had dark hair, and the comic-book Constantine was a blond). The cancer curing was more satisfying in the movie than in Dangerous Habits, and

Mediocre, but underrated (I thought so, anyway).

Crap. Sorry about that, guys. I should have doublechecked before posting.

It's available on Netflix Watch Instantly, by the way
For those who haven't seen it and who have Netflix subscriptions, you can watch it instantly. Also, if you haven't seen it and have a Netflix subscription, you should watch it.

I just got that — pretty clever, John Teti
"At last: A game with some gratuitous T&A. "

*jumps through time portal*
*kills Hitler*

*takes bow*
*catches bouquet of roses*
*waves as walking off stage*

Ah, the manly and self-assured voice of Paul F. Tompkins
Always good to see my celebrity BFF get virtual column inches on A.V. Club.

Tompkins goes on to say, "But then it made millions of dollars," so he admits that he was just using it as a premise for his comedic bit.

Absolutely. I could go on and on about Tompkins (and I have, both before and after I reserved this username), but I honestly cannot understand why he isn't a much, much bigger star.

Really? You won't even count Scream as an exception?

Just so you know, I'm not accusing you of plagiarism or anything like that; it was more along the lines of "great minds think alike."

Paul F. Tompkins, elaborating on how to keep a movie from being made
In its own curious way, Ed is a miracle. A shitty, shitty miracle. At every step of the way, someone could have prevented this film from happening.
— Nathan Rabin

"Hate to ruin the hatefest (really, I do, this one is pretty amusing) but 'to gift' is different than 'to give' at least in a legal context. To 'gift' means to make a gift of an object. To 'give' is ambiguous and could merely transfer possession but not ownership. "