Wayne Jarvis

"Steven Hawking could ride that bike"

F*ck, you're not Steve heisler.

It gets a C instead of a C-
Steve heisler does make a good point that if the cast is the only good part of a TV series (See sit down shut up) and if the writers arent really trying anything new or unique, then the series will probrably fail. But still, it deserves a bit more credit that Heisler is giving it. While

Allison brie, Danny Pudi, Chevy chase, John Oliver are the only actors who truly "got" voice acting, the others felt a bit wooden.

I liked this episode a bit more than the other episodes, and am starting to think with this one and the one before, that its finally starting to find its footing and hitting it's stride. its just too bad that those FOX execs have ADHD and cant commit to a show for 22 episodes.

Not even close to arrested development(sorry) but I like the line
"its like prince charming dry humped sleeping beauty before he (covers Puddles ears) kissed her!"