Beer isn't for tasting and improving your life, beer is for drinking and forgetting how shit your life is. That being said, you Yanks got off easy with Bud, Miller, and Coors; you don't have to deal with dreak like Speights.
Beer isn't for tasting and improving your life, beer is for drinking and forgetting how shit your life is. That being said, you Yanks got off easy with Bud, Miller, and Coors; you don't have to deal with dreak like Speights.
It may be due to my watching Pro Wrestling, but i'm still astonished that that is a real song.
Hopefully, it won't end up as bad as that fucking LeBron app.
Maybe not that big for NBC proper, but it means that you can charge Direct TV more for for NBCSN, as your going to have a product that more people are going to want, not to mention that it's not like Community is bringing in the big dollars. Another fact that you may find interesting is that ESPN is generating a…
Who in their right mind just decided to just give it to NBC. If overhearing people talk about TV and sports have taught me anything, it's that a massive bidding war over the only thing left that garners rating is the best way to generate billions for the people supping the content. After all, ESPN pays over 100…
Why would they hire an outside little person, when they have an in house department to them (and I'm too excited for the WeeLC match, almost entirely for the pun)
Only if it's the Maple Leafs.
So the shortcut to becoming a REAL AMERICAN HERO is to not pay your bills/taxes. easy enough.
Or the Pellies, and I can make a connection between Basketball and Roald Dahl.
Do you really think that anyone outside of Chris Hansen would be willing to give up Los Angeles, and the massive revenue streams available in that city for any North American city outside of New York. The other factor is that the group that wants to bring back the Sonics was looking at teams in Sacremento and…
Hey, without the classic that is Space Jam there would have been no Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden. Also, I liked Space Jam.
But Rikishi hasn't been there for years, and there's no good fat guys there anymore who could do that .
And if the WWE ends up moving network this year, there's a Five Knuckle Shuffle waiting for USA.
They need something to do with all that money made from those John Cena shirts sold to kids.
And it was probably more shocking then anything that will happen on Game of Thrones this season.
David Farrier is one of the guys that covers all of the off kilter news on 3 News. The main difference is that 3 News let those reporters to go and exist in their own separate bubbles, and at least to 15 year old me, his coverage and the stuff on the second half of Nightline was all kinds of insane. Now it's just the…
If you get a chance, then play TWAU. It pulls off a great atmosphere of sleazy early 80's New York, and finds a good way to bring in the characters from the comic without seeming forced. Also it hits a great ending cliffhanger which gives far more for readers of the books.
I'm more concerned about the change in writers then the change in character focus.
Can someone explain to me why Lorde is not considered a new artist, because from where i'm sitting, i'd never heard of her before this year.
Well to be fair, the French kind of deserve it.