
They still haven't got around to putting it in Smirnoff Ice yet.

Unfortunately it is always the wanking hand.

This is officially the dumbest thing to happen on the entire internet in the last 3 days

From someone who is studying Political Science and Media, and is a massive "gamer" (we need a better term), the internet rhetoric around the two topics are probably the way they act like three year old's is probably the two saddest things on the internet. The worst part though is that I can't tell which is sadder.

I second the "Fuck yeah Animorphs" although to be fair, my biggest memory of it was the flick-through things in the corner where the character would morph into an animal.

I'm going to stay in my bubble of knowing Sharknado is a thing, while going out of my way to never see it as it can never be as dumb as I imagine it.

You know that they're going to keep sucking the blood out of that until it's run dry, and as long as there are girls too old for Twilight then there's still more money to make.

Now if I could only access their songs on spotify here in New Zealand.

As somebody who was born in 1992, what was actually going on in music in 1994? Checking the Wikipedia page tells me that Definitely Maybe and Parklfe came out, Aerosmith opened a club in Boston, Cotton Eye Joe was unleashed on the world, and Milla Jovovich released an album. There had to be more than that.

No, your supposed to blame everything except the crippling alcoholism.

Or she uses her slave army to get it back the old fashioned way.

Why not just put the Clippers in the Honda Center. That way they still have access to the L.A. market, and don't have to be the "B" team in the Staples Center.

You missed the best sign in the Sorkin 3:16 one

There's the VGCW. It's pure insanity with a fatal 4 way match between Charles Barkley, Dr. Wily, Ganondorf, and Gabe Newell for the VGCW championship

The saddest thing I heard about this show is that before NBC had The Voice and Revolution back on air; nothing they had could out-rate this show.

I have honesty never heard of a Kickstarter actually coming out on time.

If you look at Kickstarter's successes in terms of entertainment, it is mathematically impossible for for projects to succeed without it being related to an obscure franchise that people already know.

Stop reminding me that i'm now older than popstars, and slowly becoming irrelevant.

Watch any of their appearances on 8 out of 10 cats and you'll see that their fine with being mocked, and just, maybe humanoid

Second that. Margarita Levieva, if you get a show for yourself you have a viewer for at least 3 episodes.