
I definitely get last-minute-cancels or last-minute-no-shows more than people actually showing up.

I'm sure you've already slept with him, IK.


I'm a big Wheatus fan, actually.

Ramsay should have responded "all mine" when his father asked him what he saw.

I'll give that a shot, although I'll have to get a Twitter account and figure out how to use it…

I tried using four different browsers. I cleared all my caches and histories and cookies. I've tried logging on from three different computers.

Me too, but if I can't access my account, I can't access my account. Hard to post when it's telling me I don't exist.

I've been trying to log in under my regular account and my gimmick account all week, and every time I try it tells me "username and/or password incorrect." I've been using the HDB username for years and years now, so I know it's correct, and I've followed the instructions to change my password literally dozens of

Yeah, it's a drink called "HDB will never post at the A.V. Club again because it tells him his account doesn't exist."

Does it, now? Well, either way, I think we've seen the end of HDB at the A.V. Club. You know, since I can't log in and all.

Pretty sure I do.

I drank a fuck Disqus because I can't log in to my account.

I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS CONVERSATION BUT DISQUS WON'T LET ME LOG IN! I think this might spell the end of my five years of commenting on the A.V. Club, when Disqus tells me that my account and its 16,000 posts don't exist.

Did my accounts get banned? I have no idea! I haven't been able to log on all week! Fuck you NuDisqus! A.V. Club, this is completely fucking bullshit that somebody who's been posting here for five years suddenly can't access his account!