Bus Uncle

But I think you have to agree that there were times when (to paraphrase the dirtiest words set on television in the fifties) Ward was a little rough on the beaver….

Agree! I just made a similar comment above…

Its funny that he's such a lazy lyricist (what rhymes with supersonic, hmm….uh, gin and tonic!) because he's actually full of really hilarious comments about almost everything (e.g. Jack White—zorro on donuts). Maybe he should just set those to music…..

I had that Hildebrand Star Wars poster on my bedroom wall in the late seventies…so cool to see it here in all its rip roaring glory

Kind of like Michael Bolton—I celebrate the man's entire catalogue

there's a hefty fuckin' fee

Its a movie. Who cares what he, or anyone else, thinks about it?

Its true. I won't miss them. The worst thing is the shitty jewel case with the most feeble hinge ever designed….What a piece of crap.

maybe Kid Charlemagne woudl have gone down better. or Reeling in the Years

I agree, it really blows. i found out after buying that bluetooth only works for phonecalls, not music.

Did you later sell your copy? Maybe I later bought it!

that was my first cassette

A used 45 Bungle in the Jungle by Jethro Tull……First LP a used Band on the Run.

I saw them open for Neil at Molson park and they dedicated Morning Glory to him.

Thats true. And he takes a real pleasure in, say, taking a moment to snap some poor guy's arm in the middle of a fight.

In Bad Boys Sean Penn fills the pillow with cans of coke, not a lock.

well the barrooms and smelly bordellos
dressing rooms filled with parasites
on stage, the band has got problems
and a bag of nerves on first night….

The reveal of her disembodied arm on the table would have been more shocking had a still of it not been prominently displayed above the article itself.

I thought you were in pre-law?

Its like guitar solos