Bus Uncle

I had never heard of this either. But unfortunately, now I have.

kids today….
Great scene and nice write up.

Cats in the Cradle
I know its cheesy, but i have to admit to shedding a manly tear while hearing this chestnut, usually while away on a business trip. Probably only works for dads.

Billie Holiday's music is usually pretty sad ie Travelin' Light.

Its possible to overlook bad lyrics when the music is good. But I can't think of any example of where it is possible to overlook bad music for good lyrics. How good can the lyrics be? These guys are rock stars, not real poets.

Ali G: R.E.S.T.E.C.P! Do ya even know wha it spellz?
Cabinet M.P.: Restecp?
Ali G: Yes, Restecp. 'Owz anyone out there meant to restecp each otha? If you lot in 'ere, don't even start restecpa-ing one another.

Agree. It was never all about the lyrics in any event:"Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself, when you're old enough to repay, but young enough to sell?"

You guys need to show some respect.
some respect for the original Golden God.

Dumb as a bag of hammers=lazy writing.

Joni Mitchell always makes me think of Alice In Chains.

Wake Up Sir
Is a seriously funny book.

Friz Freleng.

The Lone Oatsman of the Apocalypse.

I also really find these threads to be a breath of fresh air. I thought War on Oats had faded away over the summer, but it turns out he's back, as full of rage as ever, and he's expanded his repertoire of Oat-based insults from "Oatmeal" to "Oatnads" and "Oatdouch". What's next—Oat-tard? Oathole?

Catcher in the Rye
Has finally been optioned, with Sylvester Stallone as Holden Caulfield.

I can't agree that Apocalypse Now is better than Heart of Darkness, but I do agree it is a great adaption. Conrad writes so well, especially considering that English was his second language. The opening comparison of the Thames, when first visited by the ancient Romans ("this too has been one of the dark places of

Agree on sudden drop of quality from LC to C the C. Mick Jones was gone and they auditioned a whole host of unknowns for his replacement. Vince White got the job. He had never really played live before and had to learn very quickly for their last US tour. He claims that all his parts were cut from the album. I saw

Layer Cake/RotLA
I was once on a long flight, with many hours to go, and was unable to find any good movies to watch—all the ones available i had either already seen or i could tell within the first ten minutes that they were terrible. Then I watched Layer Cake and remember being so happy because I could tell within

may you die a nasty death down on the killing floor

Love the Jon Stewart appearance; he knows its inappropriate and he's trying not to laugh but he can't help himself because its so damned hilarious. Also think Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton were real trailblazers in making the audience feel uncomfortable.