David cgc

For a while, I thought it was a double- or triple-blind. Like, Khan provoking a manhunt was part of Marcus's plan, and then he'd send Kirk off to chase him to the Klingon homeworld to bombard it with torpedoes which were full of super-soldiers who could each wage a one-man war on the Empire, while the stranded

When Bones asked him, he said he didn't know what it was, but they were bowing to it. Apparently after he was found out, he grabbed the first important-looking thing he saw to use as a distraction.

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus I was genuinely hoping someone would recognize and correct that line. Google was oddly unhelpful with "quote finish making love quote" whenI tried to source it.

That's what drives me nuts about it. They made, like, 4/5ths of their own movie. And it was awesome! And then, just for the hell of it, the shoehorned in a shot-for-shot remake of Wrath of Khan. And when that was done, they returned to their movie, already in progress. You could probably do a pretty decent fan-edit

She mentions her dad also being a criminal, so apparently, Harry made some time on Bajor as a young man. I won't tell Stella if you won't.

But Dukat can put a Cardassian face on it all. He was a high-ranking Gul in the Central Command, and presumably knows all the right people to tell "hey, join up with the Dominion and it'll be like the good old days."

@avclub-095543c425d38265455b460a8b71ee8f:disqus Given how Star Trek handled it whenever people from distant and contradictory futures visited our heroes, it's entirely possible that the history of either Trek Prime and JJ Trek has appearances of the characters from both universes in it. Maybe someone will write a

It's just so… unmotivated, though. It would've been easy enough to fix. Have Khan make some noise about how he wants to take over the Federation with his new super-ship, that humanity requires superior leadership (as proven by Admiral Robocop, the warmongering jackass). They could crib from some of his "Space Seed"

Can't wait. I have strong opinions about how this movie turned out. Strong, spoiler-filled opinions. I've talked to a couple of friends from out-of-country who saw it last week that had the exact same reaction I did, but I'm curious about how a wider spread of people will view it.

Did someone ask who Phyllis and Bob were?

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus The problem is that the nature of their relationship means the Doctor is either never widowed, or has always been widowed. Once River finds out his name and he takes her on her last date with him (assuming she hasn't dropped any other unfulfilled spoilers), every time

I actually liked his green coat from the second half of last season best. Apparently, I'm the only one.

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus I remember hearing the exact same complaint word-for-word when BSG was on the air. Some people were offended to their core by the "Previously on…" recaps including deleted scenes from earlier episodes, or Skiffy's desperate "Watch it live! Please, for the love of God,

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus Wasn't "Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel" based on "Spare Parts"? According to the Doctor Who wikia, the author of "Spare Parts" got a "special thanks" credit in the episodes.

So, not a fan of the new Battlestar Galactica, then? That show elevated having too much material for the runtime into an art-form.

I think the Cyber-Doctor acting more-or-less like the Doctor was the right way to go. After all, the best thing about Locutus was when he punctuated the standard Borg threats with, "Number One." Otherwise it's just straight up bodysnatching.

It was his hypnotic gesturing that got him the job. He looked like a black-belt in Narn Karate when he really got into a monologue.

She begins it almost exactly the same way when she recaps for the benefit of all the audi… erm, crew members who were just bought into the loop in the season 3 premiere. Like, word-for-word.

It was supposed to air that night. Even if they were cripplingly, horrifyingly incompetent and hadn't been keeping their footage tagged, sorted, transcribed, cross-referenced, and organized as they shot it, they would've still had the final product with all the good parts picked out ready to go. It was probably… well,