David cgc

That scene, I think, is another argument against telling actors things. The second we see the real Bashir, fake-Bashir begins speaking in a monotone, with subtext growling in his belly. He may as well have offered Dax some efficient German sex to go with the sensibly-priced sandwiches while he was at it. That might be


I love that I knew exactly what YouTube clip that linked to.

I guess the point was the sensation of realizing that while you've been sitting pretty and thinking everything's fine, everyone else actually hates their life and thinks it's all your fault.

The most bizarre continuity reference is the one you'd never think of; Homer being safety inspector. Aside from getting Santa's Little Helper in the first episode, I think it's the first thing the show did that they stuck with past the end of the episode. And Homer earned that job in charge of plant safety.

No, please, God, don't!

Thankfully, there are only a few instances of the sort of stereotypical coastal liberal snark one might expect, with the notable exception of a dig at Mitt Romney’s role in creating Obamacare.

Apparently he does. In "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS," his explanation confused me, and I knew what he was trying to say.

I don't particularly care what format is used. It's not like I use these reviews to decide whether or not to watch the episode. As long as they make an interesting point or two to kickstart the discussion in the comments, good enough.

I mentioned this last week or the week before, but I loved when Sheridan started ranting about how Earth probably could win a war against a League world, or maybe the Narn, but would be screwed against the Centauri, Minbari, or Vorlons.

My brother-in-law's theory was that it was because Minbari bones were so much stronger than human bones, they could use poking-fists without breaking their fingers whenever they hit someone.

More detail about The Lost Tales and the fan 3D models: A lot of B5 stuff has been lost due to improper storage over the years. JMS mentioned rats got into the negatives of "The Gathering" when they did the re-edit, limiting some of their creative options. Much of the original CGI files had a similar fate befall them.

'I imagine you are finding your principles most inconvenient now, yessss?'


His last appearance in the post-finale novels was certainly a more memorable send-off. Okay, it was probably more memorable than than anything else he did on-screen.


Police Squad worked for six half-hour episodes. Even the guys who made it said they didn't think they could've kept it up if they weren't cancelled.

Maybe the Doctor wrote the book on the Time War after he met River. Its been, like, three hundred years. Maybe the encounters with Davros and Rassilon convinced him to put it all down on paper, so someone else could know enough to help if something ever happened to him.
I suppose the TARDIS itself may have written it,

He's gay as Christmas, in a relationship with his right-hand man, and getting some side-action as well. Also, though it seems to have been forgotten or retconned, he had a son when he and Angela first met, suggesting a prior sham marriage. My guess is he had an iron-clad prenup.