David cgc

I'm looking at an SD recording, so I can't be 100% sure if it's the quality or a soft matte that's fuzzing Pam and Jim's edges, but the fact that it's possibly the only locked-off shot The Office has ever done that wasn't from a dashcam makes it look super-weird and greenscreeny.

*'90s electric guitar riff*

@avclub-81f1e2cb3513ac18c77dd0159ec182c3:disqus That's next week.

Maybe for Minbari, the equivalent of acne is having your head-bone twist around.

It's one of the last episodes of season two, I think. Delenn is dictating a letter to the Lumati ambassador turning down a trade deal when someone rings the doorbell. Apparently, she did her homework about them.

Seeing it on the big screen, I finally noticed all those takes Riker does whenever Shelby walks out of the room. There must have been a half dozen awesome "Get a load of Commander Career over here, huh?" expressions he went through in both episodes. And it's always great to see something like this in a crowd, and get

There was a Trek novel where Bashir's… expertise… was slipping away from him, and when it first starts, he begins doing memory exercises in the middle of surgery because he can't recall what the proper drug to use in response to a sudden complication is. When he finally finds it in his memory palace, he imagines

There's no way that kid came from those parents.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus Somebody can probably make a killing mirroring Film Critic Hulk in lowercase. Call it "Film Critic Bruce." Copyright implications aside, it probably wouldn't be too hard to rig up a script to handle automatically. It might even be possible to fill in the "is"'s and "I"'s

He said he was going to take them someplace safe. Not necessarily Earth but, I suppose, not necessarily not. Maybe he'll drop them wherever he'll hide away Hila to live out her days without breaking history, and the three of them can all be roommates. It'll be the Doctor Who sitcom spinoff.

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus "I like it when you use my name."

The TARDIS hologram seemed like more of a person than it did in "Let's Kill Hitler." I wonder if this might become an evolution. Maybe she's working on recreating what she was like when she was outside the box in "The Doctor's Wife."

"Now, Kat, you will receive your reward for becoming Galactica's ace pilot. Your eternal reward!"

I'm not sure it's really pique that got Hague killed off-screen as much as that it was the most economical way to continue the plot without him. The previous episode had gone into great detail on the fact that General Hague had started firing on other Earth ships, that General Hague's ship, the Alexander, was on the

I believe he's actually talking about Grace Lee Whitney on the original series.

Someone needs to do an edit of that scene where there's a cut to some clip from Malcolm in the Middle when Sheridan asks if he's got a family. Bonus points for having the "flash-black&white-flash" Babylon 5 house flashback style.

This subplot is part of an interesting behind the scenes conflict involving Jerry Doyle and his artistic feelings about Garibaldi's penis. Basically, Doyle wanted more sex-action (especially since Franklin was getting laid all the time even this early in the show), but some of the writers didn't realize that this was

I see your "star-butts," and raise you, "What the strokin' H?!" Apparently, DiTillio felt very strongly about "stroke" being the "fuck" of the 23rd century, because I think it made it into all of his B5 scripts and, of course, no one else's. JMS preferred "frag" but was restrained about, proportionally speaking. I

As far as the view from the inside goes, one of the things I often wonder about in military sci-fi (most of all for Battlestar Galactica, since it was an ongoing issue, but it also applies to Star Trek sometimes) is how much of what we see actually makes it on to the news. Like, is the average episode of Star Trek

Is it?