David cgc

I remember one of the things fans of the radio show complained about was that the show didn't have the News From Lake Woebegone, which made no sense to me. The whole movie was the News From Lake Woebegone. I actually thought it was pretty clever to make the fictional Prairie Home Companion purely a music show, and

I saw Peter Sagal live a few years ago. He began his talk by reciting the alphabet and counting from one, so that we didn't miss anything important while we got over the cognitive dissonance and came to accept that the bald, stocky man on stage was really making the voice that comes out of our radios.

I've watched a handful of the videos over the years, but it's hardly appointment viewing (by which I mean, it's nearly the opposite of appointment viewing). I wish they explicitly distinguished between video and text articles in the RSS feed. I mean, they do in that the descriptions for text pieces are just a direct

@avclub-40904cf5a179d97beb9f7f3f8c02e080:disqus Wow, I didn't believe there was something that could make me more uncomfortable than bathroom attendants, but I think that might do it.

Another thing to consider is that the Defiant is part of the fleet that intercepts the Borg cube out in God knows where when Picard first starts listening to the battle on the Starfleet police scanner, and it's still in the fight when the Enterprise arrives at Earth from the Romulan border, hours or days later.

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus Alien Vs. Forbidden Planet. 
Make it happen, Hollywood.

Did one of Tarr's guys get killed at the brothel when everything went tits-up during the standoff or something? He kept going about justice and revenge, but I didn't notice anything bad happening to him, aside from perhaps the shame of his son's space-miscegenation. It was the other guy who's kid got his face melted

@avclub-dc159a30f1e7fe7352b88109050f5512:disqus The aliens wouldn't think of it as being "xeno," so you're back to square one. At least, whichever group's home was being used as the model wouldn't.

There were two things I really didn't like about Arkham Asylum, and one was the way the readings were different on the Audio Logs that adapted "Mad Love." In the episode, Sorkin sounds perfectly sane before the Joker gets his claws into here, but in the Asylum version, Sorkin's doing this Harley-Quinn-being-serious

Have they used that twist yet? How much longer until the 1,000th episode?

The exact same thing happened at the beginning of the last episode, when the Doctor asked her where and when she wanted to go first, and she blanked, "Like when someone asks what your favorite book is, and you suddenly forget every book you've ever read."

The Master utterly fucked him in "Last of the Time Lords." Even though the lion's share of the mass-murder unhappened, he still assassinated the U.S. President (and a bunch of other innocent people), corrupted Martha, her mother, and Lucy into stone-cold killers, and robbed the Doctor of the only family he had left in

I can't seem to find any hard information to confirm, but it seems to me a sub probably wouldn't be able to launch a nuclear missile from 700+ meters under water (plus the missile would have to punch through the ice on the surface). On the other hand, even a misfire could've sparked World War III if the warhead

I figured that even if the Soviet Captain couldn't get the Doctor and Clara attached to some impromptu "scientific expedition" to Antarctica, he could probably get him in touch with the U.N. and, thus UNIT, and they'd be able to get him down there in a few days.

I have a friend who works in eastern Europe/western Russia, and he's joked that he knows he's about to head back over when he starts getting shopping lists for iPhones and iPhone accessories from his friends over there.

I figured they were little couriers or something. I seem to remember one scene where a squadron of Stormtroopers were following one down the hall, thought I suppose they could've been chasing it… in formation.

I love the scene in "And Now For a Word" where Sheridan just starts ranting to the reporter about how fucked we would be if those asshole politicians back on Earth got us into another war. And then she cuts him off at the knees by pointing out that the party line is now that Earth won the Minbari War (after all, who

I'm pretty sure that's because the post-finale Voyager novels were in a bit of a limbo at the time (Deep Space Nine is also mostly absent in Destiny for the same reason, aside from Ezri). Christie Golden hadn't written a Voyager book in ages, the last major move in the series was Janeway's appearance in a (nominally)