David cgc

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Okay, so one of my favorite things on TNG is whenever the main cast decides they all need to go beam somewhere, a half-dozen extras just pop out of all the doors instantly and unprompted to take over their stations. And, without fail, one or two always come out of the

Fun fact: The new shots (and they were all new) of the Enterprise (except for the spinning red engine caps, those were CG), K7, and the Klingon ship were all physical models, newly built for the episode. Same with the Excelsior in "Flashback" (they were going to use the model from the movies but, ironically, all the

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus The smoothies and ridgies coexisting was a common fan theory for a long time. I'm not sure if it was the clone-Kahless or Worf's line in this episode that was the nail in the coffin, but I remember comics and whatnot showing both kinds of Klingons at the same time, and

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus True fact: I was a pretty active poster at the TrekBBS up until about two years ago, when I realized I was having the same damn argument about the Battlestar Galactica finale for the half-dozenth time, and I had wrung all the joy I could out of restating my belief that a

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus At least it's not vague. Though it's possible I only remember it because it's the only episode of Enterprise I never saw. I also missed the other Hoshi-centric episode first-run, where she was forced to reenact Beauty and the Beast, but I caught that one was a rerun.

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus @avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus Holy shit, they do look like Sontarans! There was enough of a gap between Voyager season 7 and Doctor Who season 4 I never made the connection. http://en.memory-alpha.org/…

I was happy when they learned how to film them properly to downplay the hunchback in the season finale. And I was ecstatic when they decided to make them the leadership caste of the Daleks and have the RTD version as the rank-and-file in "Asylum."

It's been, what, five years, and I just realized that the "Tinkerbell" in "Tinkerbell Jesus" wasn't just referring to the sparkly special effects in that scene.

Anyone who thinks Doctor Who was more straightforward in the good old days needs to sit down and explain to me what the hell was the deal with the Watcher. I figured it was just badly explained in the episode summaries but, no, I watched "Logopolis" on DVD and it made just as little sense. In fact, it made even less

Aw, Piggly IV.

I hated how that resolved. The only reason there was a Doctor Donna and not a Doctor Jack or a Doctor Rose is that Donna stayed in the TARDIS because of the future echo of the Doctor Donna. There's nothing intrinsic to Donna that made her special, it's just writer fiat that it was her and not one of the other two

@avclub-b15c09f68d56c3bd35de82aefd6702bd:disqus In the first drafts of "A Good Man Goes to Way," Jack appeared. John Barrowman wasn't available, though, so he was written out and replaced with Vastra and Jenny. It probably would've helped the episode, since the only familiar face was the WWII pilot (and also because

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus A couple times there, I thought they were going to get rid of this screwdriver (when he was considering it as his payment for the spacebike, when it was almost crushed by the door), so he'd have to build a new one out of the last one he destroyed, explaining why River's

It's probably because it's my bailiwick, but I was always off-put by how bad the CG camerawork in the first years of nuWho. Always swinging this way and that, always smoothly accelerating from then decelerating to a full stop. It looks very '90s "Let's throw together some space stuff to fill out our demo reel because

@avclub-7399a8aa203c68565ff7196769deadc6:disqus The marketplace was on the big asteroid. The temple was on the little asteroid, and they were all part of the rings orbiting the planet from whence life came. The Doctor mentioned light from an alien sun, but it's the sun the planet with the rings (Akhaten, apparently)

“Let me throw this question out to you — what is the most powerful god-like being the Doctor has ever faced?”

@avclub-f1a42d1a90854c5c5a3df6ad2b34c7e7:disqus We know exactly what Raylan was doing with Tommy Bucks. He told Winona at the end of the pilot that they were both trying to find Roland Pike (the mob-accountant-turned-dentist). 
“I was in Nicaragua a while back, looking for this money launderer named Roland Pike. The

@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus Maybe so, but does it have to be in between two episodes that so explicitly end and begin seconds apart? And then anywhere else is either before the telepath glut, or is almost as bizarre (terrorists are running loose on the station! The galaxy is on the brink of war!


There won't be another time where misordered episodes will be really noticeable until season 5 (when it'll be really noticeable), I strongly recommend watching in the Lurker's Guide order. http://www.midwinter.com/lu…