David cgc

In one of the Peter David Centauri Prime novels, Londo revisits the events of the episode a couple of times. Some interesting factoids:

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus  I think the other reason that the Franklin reveal falls flat is that Sheridan (and the fact that they were found out) makes Franklin shut down the underground railroad the minute we find out about it. Even when it comes back later, it always seems more like Franklin

I always assumed that had something to do with the engine of Garibaldi's motorcycle.

It's definitely more than just the antler that remained Minbari. In season 5, when a guy tries to rape her in Downbelow, she breaks his finger with her finger, and she always does that Minbari fighting stance with the outstretched pinky and index finger, both of which require a lot more bone and muscle strength in the

Peter David should get most of the credit. Probably the biggest aspect of his reputation is the sense of humor that goes through his books and comics.

There is one tiny bit about Talia in the offscreen B5 materials that I remember, though it's really more about Garibaldi. In the last Psi Corps novel, Garibaldi talks about what happened to Talia in such a way that it's clear he's decided that Control was the real Talia, and the nice Talia was the fake, constructed

Morden seems like he wants to be everybody's friend when he's being charming, but even when he's being threatening, he seems to be a people person. It's like old joke about how once you can fake being sincere, you've got it made.

The league confused me. I'd just looked it up last week, and a league is three miles, not… 3500 feet.

Did we see the gypsy? After the way she cut down Lana a few weeks ago without noticing, I figured the gypsy woman was a character Cheryl invented to explain her prophetic episodes. Or some kind of supernatural creature possessing her, like in The Shining.

Data slept with Yar when they were space-drunk, and he dated or was hit on by a few women after that, but in FC, he told the Borg Queen he hadn't [lame computer sex pun] since Yar. So, that's one, or maybe two. Frankly, I don't see how he could've gotten past third base with the Borg Queen, so let's say one.

@avclub-47624136cf832b0092161cd37e3952aa:disqus One of the fun things about that "Worf gets denied" supercut is remember the episodes where his suspicions ended up being right on the money and could've stopped the whole episode's worth of problems before the first commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I remember having a similar reaction to a doctor friend of mine back when he was a med-student friend of mine doing EMT training ride-alongs in an ambulance, hoping that today there would be a car crash or something. He pointed out that it was better that he be exposed to all sorts of horrible things while training,

Pay them back for what? Raylan's tip probably saved Sammy's life. If anything, the mob owes him.

His oversized suit has always ("always," he showed up once before) been part of his character.

Yep. Confirmed in the EW post-mortem.

I like how she only started dressing up after she shacked up with Raylan, and before that she wore wool suits with threads the size of coffee stirrers and her hair was always pinned into some barely-controlled bird's nest.

I was surprised by the way they thought about us "You'll never leave Harlan alive" in season 3. Maybe it's just because I expected it to be at the very end, but I thought going there as the button on Raylan revealing that Arlo thought he killed Raylan would've been perfectly apropos. Raylan has tried to leave the

I think Raylan's gone super-easy on Boyd. If I were Raylan, I would've torn Boyd's head off and shit down his neck back in season two when his getting Arlo back in the game got Aunt Helen killed and then Boyd slouched into bed with Ava that very day like he deserved a reward for all the personal growth he experienced

Staring down the barrel of a gun and bullshitting about how he's about to die from cancer so he doesn't mind dying in a shootout is probably the biggest moment to foreshadow that Shelby was once professional badass Drew Goddamn Thompson.

Ditto that for the collected works of Anne Geddes.