David cgc

But that's the complication, River's already dead. Without stealing her journal from the Library and ticking off every time she ever met him before she was killed, the Doctor can never be sure she isn't going to pop back up around the corner (and, once she finds out his name and they go on their last date, he'll also

Bring back Dalek-Oswin! That way you won't have to do all those twinning special effects, and who wouldn't love a Dalek companion?

The first half of this season was them trying to do that, but they just couldn't resist the temptation.

I've been starting to find the early episodes kind of icky to look at, now that the latest ones have raised the bar so high. There was a really rough period in season 3 where their reach exceeded their grasp on the car chases (rendering 3D on fours doesn't make it look hand-drawn, it just makes you look lazy!), but

In Middle School, I was somehow roped into being part of the team representing my school at the county geography bee. When we were drilling, "What language do they speak in Jamaica?" became a running joke.

Thanks a bunch. Now I'm on some kind of list.

At the pace this season is going, it's probably still the same day as "Get Drew" and "Decoy."

No, he died from being an asshole. Didn't even have the chance to get old, first.

So… Jared Leto is the real Theo Tonin? Thanks for ruining the final twist of this year's season of Justified, AV Club!

Like Kelly and Zach Weinersmith (originally Kelly Smith and Zach Weiner)?

I was just rewatching, and realized this is one of the rare times when Archer calls her Cheryl and not Carol. So he's definitely doing it intentionally to piss her off. Still possible that Mallory just doesn't care what her name is.

The ship the GROPOS were on is actually named the Schwarzkopf (and so is every other ship of that design we see from then on. Tsk, tsk, animators. And you were usually so good about that.)

@avclub-1df8797177fc3b52be6784aacca7358c:disqus And here I thought that was just a joke in the TNG version of "Visit to a Weird Planet." How could I be so naive?

Yes, because Franklin getting laid is so unusual it merits a special comment.

"So help me God, if you run into Garibaldi in the elevator again, I will make sure you wake up in a mental ward with total amnesia under someone else's name."

@avclub-767108ece09e429a9276387de4cb95a0:disqus Corwin started switch hitting as "CIC Drone #2" in the second half of season one, where you would see either him and his weird '90s hair or the woman with the accent. He became the main CIC Drone in season two (after getting a damn haircut), got his name in a title card

Lou Welch has two more appearances, in "Soul Mates" and "GROPOS." I could've sworn there was one episode that had both him and Zack in it, but wiki tells me I'm mistaken.

"Sometimes I wonder what the show would have looked like had it been written after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq started."

After Cheryl zoning out and psychologically gutting Lana a couple weeks ago, I suspect she is the gypsy woman.

She doesn't have to be "very" low. They've got Detroit thugs streaming in from all directions and barely enough people to even have a chance at escaping Harlan. Since they have no reason to believe Limehouse has any animus towards Ellen May, they probably expect she can wait one damn afternoon while they try not to