David cgc

“Mr. Crowder, I believe I know how to blow up a car.”

All the everybody loves Ava. You couldn't swing a cat in season 1 without someone in Harlan talking about pleased they were that she was back on the market. One of the guys who kidnapped her got really creepy about it, though he was trying to be sweet.

He could've been there for work, like Raylan at the Peter Tosh concert.

It makes me think about Quarles, as well. He definitely had a lot of weird sexual stuff going on (dedicated family man, but also seduced Emmit's secretary, but still killed her with a bit of regret, then the hateful way he talked to the prostitutes after charming them into letting him go and, oh yeah, his habit of

@InterplanetJanet:disqus Apparently not, though it looks like he did hear about how the reaction of every douchebag in Harlan to hearing about her shooting Bowman was a giant shitkicker stiffy. You couldn't go two episodes in season 1 without somebody coming on to her like they hadn't heard how she became single,

Mostly that 30 Rock review, as far as I can tell. With the drugged jelly beans.

@avclub-e74588bd5b5ee91572458946f383c38b:disqus Wiki says the '80s TZ revival is the only filmed adaptation of "The Star." http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

Well, the most interesting geeky B5 thing was when I decided to try to redo the visual effects for one episode (the season two premier). I only made it a few scenes in before I wandered off to do something else (I'm not that great at making 3D models, and the fan-made models available of Babylon 5 and the Starfury

IIRC, we do see an Explorer one more time in the show before Gideon's in the Zeroth Crusade Episode Which Never Happened Because It Was Redundant And Stupid. It's an odd appearance, though. There's one orbiting Earth at the end of season 4, when Delenn's White Star arrives to pitch the Interstellar Alliance to the

I tend to take it as another subtle "Something rotten in Denmark" moment about EarthGov.

He wore cowboy boots. Big, flashy cowboy boots.

Kind of. Originally, she was going to beat the shit out of the Drazi in one of the fight scenes, either the one where she breaks her foot in the episode, or at the end when Garibaldi is looking for her. She broke her foot after they started filming the episode, though, so most of the b-plot was already there. It just

@avclub-05504937cdc07f36babc5831fbf2e119:disqus No, that can't be it. Doesn't Captain Cowboy Boots brag about charting a half-dozen star systems or something? At sublight, even fast sublight, it'd take five to ten years to go from one system to the next, at least. Maybe they're following up on unmanned probes sent out

It's one of those "We have to write episodes before we start shooting" things that happens. Fontana had to figure out a plot-line for the new guy, and had practically nothing to go on, so decided that it'd be reasonable that he'd feel upset about being reassigned to a desk job instead of being a badass space captain.

It's been a bit, but didn't they say the explosion on the Cortez knocked out the jump engine?

I think we're supposed to meet Cheryl's gross brother who's gross and also is in charge of her money at some point this season.

Also, buying parts from the USSR to rebuild Katya to save, like, twenty bucks.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus According to the production codes on Wikipedia, the only out-of-order episode this year was last week's, which should've been the second one this season.

@avclub-8adc83a4252503bdddcc1ecf539b2904:disqus She calls 'em Groovy Bears.

Cable, even basic cable, has free rein to show whatever they want, whenever they want. Language, nudity, the whole shebang. All the censoring on cable is self-imposed both because they don't want to alienate advertisers and they don't want to give the FCC a reason to reconsider their rules about cable not having the