Beowulf Jones

calling it now: "Laugh I Nearly Died" by The Rolling Stones will be on the soundtrack.

he is not a member of The State, full-fledged or otherwise.

People can watch shows in different genres. It's happened. The technology exists.

what about Jenny Olsen? If she's not a Jimmy fill-in, is she supposed to be his sister?

I have not read Superior Foes, but thanks for the recommendation! I'll read anything Spencer writes.

apologies, don't mean to derail the thread, but if we're arguing Spencer's merits, I'd like to point out "Morning Glories" is bonkers amazing (imo).

I really enjoy Ms. Marvel in the "Champions" series. It's more fun and vibrant than I'd imagined.


3rd is definitely my favorite, but I always feel 4 gets a bad rep. Sure, the payoff at the end is underwhelming after the buildup, but the relationship between the teenagers is really touching.

I looked at it that way too, but then I figured the main reason he kicked her out was cause he detected Elektra lurking around in the shadows?

Every episode of Supergirl, Smallville, Lois & Clark, and The Super Mario Brothers Super Show is better than the Man Of Steel feature.

Oh! One sincere moment of fan outrage though…

Not to be contrarian for contrarian sake, but I loved PA: GD. Now that I'm home, some of the plot holes seem a bit tougher to explain away… but I found being able to see the activity a novel and effective escalation. Fantastic theater experience. At least for the folks in the theater I saw it.

Amused The Post paid Stone a combined $7,000 for the interview. The article says Stone asked them to paint a prized vehicle in exchange for the interview, and they declined.
To me, that implied they were above compensation for an exclusive story.

I'm with H. Ben. This wasn't a finale, it was a S.2 prequel.
To paraphrase the ol' "gun" quote, if you see a dragon egg in Act 1, it'll hatch by Act 3. It wasn't a surprise, it was an inevitability.