If Kumail is in anything I watch it gets funnier immediately. I don't even care that he blocked me on Twitter.
If Kumail is in anything I watch it gets funnier immediately. I don't even care that he blocked me on Twitter.
I hate just about everyone on How I Met Your Mother, but Ted Mosby takes the fucking cake.
No one's gonna see this, but I caught this from my DVR and it was absolute brilliance. I love this show an awful lot.
If a game really goes out of their way to build a world worth exploring, then I will travel aimlessly as much as possible. Wind Waker holds a very special place in my heart. I never once understood why people cried foul when they first announced that game all those years ago. I thought it looked gorgeous, and when I…
Yeah, Valentine's Day really gave you some ultimate consequence for playing the manslut Arcana. I don't even remember who I actually spend that day with, I felt like such an asshole.
I love Mitsuru. She's such a wonderful character. I also loved how they made you work so hard just for the chance to talk to her at school.
You can actually choose her as the big bad at the end of the game, which I think is great.
Let the next-gen Waifu Wars begin.
It's a typical 3rd person shooter, but it gets real fucking ugly towards the end. It's not really a 'war is terrible' game, it's a 'we're all terrible' kind of game.
Jane is a manipulative coward afraid of any real connection. Kenny was completely unhinged at that point in the game, but he's the only one who would never leave you no matter how horrible things got. Granted, he'd probably be the one responsible for putting you in a lot of those horrible situations, but he wouldn't…
Fuck yeah. Homeboy didn't even get his car back at the end of the movie.
What's a DVD?
I love vinyl, but had to stop buying it. Loving the sound is great, but the second it starts becoming furniture is when you have to draw the line.
The first thing I thought of was Persona. I honestly didn't buy a PS3 until after I beat P4 for the umpteenth time. Atlus was killing it then. Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1/2, Devil Summoner 1/2, P3/FES, and 4.
I'm a very peaceful person, but I think we should seriously gas the bronies.
I'm crying
The Sci-Fi (or Syfy) "documentary" about the Blair Witch Project made me think the movie was real.
Sad. I was just thinking about the Cool Machine sketch the other day, too.
The battle and Chocobo themes for Final Fantasy XIII are the only things I'll ever say were any good from that steaming pile of mediocrity.