
Lis, when you get a little older you'll realize that Friday is just another day, between NBC's "Must See Thurdsay" and CBS' "Saturday Night Crap-o-Rama"

Talk about your lesser works of Faulkner.

I didn't put those voices together until I read the actor's obit last year. I also think that's the first time I watched some of those ads since I was pre-K age, and man, I didn't remember them being so…randy.

"It's Not Butter" is the name he had to use when he showed up in the Impact Zone.

And every single one of them is a helpless shrew who exists solely for a man to rescue her, thereby affirming his heterosexuality after spending the preceding 2 hours playing grab-ass with his bros.

I hate Michael Bay's Star Wars.

"Um, well…The Power of Myth…the hero's journey…rhyming…visual tone poem…"

It's shaped like two moons.

"Mike, behind that tree, it's Clu Gulager!

My two criticisms after the first episode: The gag density is occasionally too heavy and they don't let things breathe as much as they could; the mid-act interstitial bumpers run too long and as a result hurt the pacing (Though I do like the brief pause, if only because of decades of operant conditioning watching

The entire thermostat/door/clock sequence was really well done.

But Veronica and Archie let Jughead think they did - which I'm sure he'll keep close to the vest, and definitely won't let it drop among mixed company in a moment of pique.

HAMBURGER-shaped cake

When VH1 Classic became MTV Classic last fall, they aired the first few episodes of The Maxx - that was a TV comics adaptation about 20 years ahead of its time. I'd like to see someone try that again, a wild mix of animation, cheap anime/Adult Swim style still pans and some artistically done live action silhouettes.

"DC/WB looks at Goose that Laid Golden Egg, grab axe"

It's Maundy Thursday, son; stow that shit until Sunday.

I feel like I hear about how likable he is a lot more than I see it in practice

It wouldn't have remained hidden, but look at how much of a shit Hollywood gives about domestic violence.

Social media doesn't mean shit, it only matters to That Asshole if cable news/the "corrupt, lying, unfair" media (that he nonetheless can't stop paying attention to or talking about) says he's bad.

"Emotion Engine," a much catchier name than "Insanely Complicated Programming Nightmare"