
Only if you LIKE this status update and FOLLOW Justice League 90,000 times on newly created social networking app FanSkream

Booyah booyah booyah

Well, I was referring to her performance in the extremely short lived ABC series…Karen Sisco.

I guess "technically" I've been using Hangouts? But I mean I'm on that shit 24/7.

Hard G

Is this Canada or something? Because here in the good ol' US of A Amazon Prime means everything ships free, no matter how cheap.

God damn I was beat to the Abbie Doobie

"A middle aged schlub has comic adventures with his schlubby buddies and a beautiful young woman in a resort location"

And yet she still wasn't good at it!

Will Wolverine return before or after Fox announces the next actor to play him on screen? Or will Marvel be content to leave him in his metal tomb to spite Fox?

And it's just gotten worse since then - Superstore has a "theme song" that's literally 5 seconds long played over a screen with just the title and created by credit.

About a decade ago he bought a $15 mil mansion in the Pacific Palisades after selling off some of his other properties, including a $7 mil condo in Manhattan. Oh, and he's still married to Donna Dixon. I think he's doing pretty good for himself all things considered and lives his life exactly as he wants (Paranormal

Paranormal investigation, marketing vodka that comes in a novelty bottle.

I know that, if I couldn't believe something like being thrown into a life-sized Pac-Man maze was happening to me, I would say "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME" as loudly and as often as possible.

I am here to tell you: You are better than a Chevy.

The no helmet thing is very confusing. They better not be taking away a gear slot!

I only ever used LFG sites but I found the Destiny community to be surprisingly solid. The first time I ever did the Vault of Glass was because a dude I paired with for a Nightfall through LFG couldn't believe I had never done a raid and got together a group on the spot.

They've addressed a lot of the problems…very, very gradually, but they have ("Infusing gear with more powerful stuff no longer arbitrarily knocks the primary stat down by like 3%! Huzzah!")

Wasn't that one of those apps iOS wouldn't let you put in a folder?

The guy who had those was an asshole who loved to show 'em off but refused to share.