
They are so condescending. "Prepare to thank me that you showed up today, you are lucky that you are about to be graced by the presence that is the 2017 Chevy Shitshifter."


But I love Jake Gyllenhall, even if this seems like a lesser movie for him (I suspect he'll still be great in it, but he's not going to push himself to Zodiac or Nightcrawler levels.) It's a dilemma.

"…the proud new father,"

You know since they've already got material for two sequels for (She Was a) Hotel Detective they're going to go for the full trilogy treatment.

Because back then the appeal was to baby boomer nostalgia, these days it's all for the benefit of millennial post-ironic contempt/name recognition

So MPDG 2.0: The Better One

I love RVJ and always feel weird commenting on stuff involving him even tangentially.

I shot a nerd. He must've been 21, 23 years old, dressed like a 10th grader. Oh, it was late in the series…He had an "Urkelizer" ray gun, looked real enough. You know, when you're a 20-some-odd year veteran, they can teach you everything about bein' a cop except how to live with a mistake.

I got my copy from a guy in Spanish 1 about a week before Columbine, after which I deleted it in the kind of blind panic only capable of manifesting in an anxiety-ridden 14 year old.

Does he take him to task for the unauthorized additions found in the specious "Anarchist Cookbook" .txt files, surreptitiously traded on 3.25" floppies by teenage boys in the 90's?

[Incessant twee ukulele sound bed]
You will need:
An incandescent lightbulb
A sharp knife

Yep. He's been doing alright for himself recently, too - credited in Hunger Games: Catching Fire, John Wick, and Logan (All as "non-speaking kicking man," but still.)

In the darkest corners of the DEEP WEB
You can find The Guide
That can teach you the equation for insanity

He's a rock star living in a kick-ass elevator, you don't think he's getting laid?

I did that…I think maybe the pan was still too hot and too much hooch evaporated too quickly, because the fireball was pretty spectacular.

MAN I wish I were the Judge in this case so I could cite Mr. Allen's recent comments before saying "I don't think so, Tim" and then grunting as I tore up the documents.

Upon further research (Looking at Wikipedia,) Future WaxWar was filmed in '94 but released in '97, technically making it the most recent film to ever get the MST3K treatment.

Hey, Marvel Studios: Just go ahead and get him under contract now. Even if you don't have a role for him in mind at the moment.