Alex PK

Please and thank you.

Bendis has trained me to stop buying Bendis comics. Which is heartbreaking, because his Daredevil run is what got me back into comics after a break. I've been a huge Avengers fan since I was a wee pup, so I was beyond excited that this writer who'd made Daredevil so great again was going to work on the Avengers. I was

She's rad.

I could see a few of these guys having a real future in the entertainment business.

Andy's rad.

Paul Simon's best friend is the producer of the Tonight Show. Is this theory too weird: Paul agreed to do Colbert's show, as long as Colbert didn't advertise that Paul would be on?

Yep. Brilliant.

Cake in their prime had a phenomenal rhythm section. And when Greg Brown was on lead guitar, that was something truly special.

Avengers/JLA had a match-up too. Very well done.

Yeah, but he is.


I can say with authority that Joanna is smarter, more talented, and prettier than anyone who ever talked shit about her on the internet. This new song is great, the new album will almost certainly be great, and her husband is a rad dude. END OF DISCUSSION.

Just popped in to make sure this wasn't the Joe Jackson I'd be sad about.

I promise Ant-Man is a lot more fun than Daredevil.

Scientologist Paul Haggis made Crash, which was awful, but I have high hopes for what ex-Scientologist Paul Haggis can do with this.

I didn't guess Ol' Scratch. I guessed Frank Stallone.

Psst… Pretty sure it's not actually Gambit.

"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. I say that recognizing the politics in this

This might be controversial here, but I'd like to see him replace Jost on SNL. No offense to the enthusiastic Jost supporters of the AV Club.

"… Mulaney’s Zack Pearlman…"