
Did anyone care that Ben gets pinned down by a tree that would obviously leave an injury then Kate Hurley and Sawyer try to move the tree but can't and miraculously Ben is okay and moving in the next scene with no explanation?

I live in a pretty rural area which leaves my internet options exclusively to dial-up. Takes a while to download a video.

not watching anymore
Thanks to the return of "Chuck" and my recently discovered love of "How I Met Your Mother," I'm out of 8pm Monday DVR space. And tv via internet is not an option, so I will finally have a reason to stop watching the flailing "House" after five years. But I look forward to these reviews, regardless.

don't plug metacritic, av club. all my movie choices are confirmed by rotten tomatoes and it has never failed me.

my favorite!

yeah i remember my first beer!

bring personal burial money ahead of time

"You've got a kind of sick desperation in your laugh."

agreed. i dont care much for dime novels from the 50s and 60s but wrapped up in books is much more inviting. seeing as how ive already read blood meridian

im in high school and had never heard of david foster wallace til his death. learning about infinite jest and its 1000 pages made me want to read it (for english we had to read 2000 pages each semester) starting in early january and finishing just this week, i'll say it was just as great as i heard. eventually i want

yeah i keep getting images of walken's speech in pulp fiction. seeing as how reviews were mixed for inglourious basterds, this award elevates my confidence for it once again

yes today is the pefect day for bananafish

he could be talking about terminator

i think he means star trek

are you alluding to star trek?

sounds like a C