not funny

I actually thought the dandelion was connected to the one that Etta was blowing in the flashback, and also in the memory the Observer interrogator saw in Walter's mind.  I am still hopeful that the image will be some kind of a key to let him recover the memories of September's plan.  Wishful thinking, maybe…

I actually thought the dandelion was connected to the one that Etta was blowing in the flashback, and also in the memory the Observer interrogator saw in Walter's mind.  I am still hopeful that the image will be some kind of a key to let him recover the memories of September's plan.  Wishful thinking, maybe…

So, her breasts are actually the same size, they just look larger, because Lovelace's were hung on a larger ribcage.

We need to consider "the Rules of Covering Townes Van Zandt" next.

I always thought it was Nick being miserable because she wasn't happy and in love anymore.  People Ain't No Good, West Country Girl, and Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere being my prime examples.

@avclub-c1a80e2c0ed9c4e9e686b61220b84260:disqus  reading comp FAIL on my part.  Sorry.

Since he's British, I think the appropriate term for his hairstyle is  "Anglo."

Hank Williams?!?

I really like the made-up words in Anathem (then again, I'm a massive SF fan).  I thought that not only were they thematically appropriate, but if you traced etymologies, they usually took you into concepts that are very similar to ours, but ultimately foreign.  As such, I found it to be a way to introduce us to whole

What about Zodiac?  Same thriller set up, same sense of humor as Snow Crash, set in the (then-) present.  If you like that, and can handle the idea of being an SF fan (I am, it's great), move forward.

And that old "blown away" guy is Peter Murphy, just fyi.

The body language was ridiculous.  Though the writers give us credit for our lack of congenital retardation (looking at you Auntie Mom), everyone else in the show seems to think we're a normal TV audience.