quoth a dumb shit

Can't believe nobody said this yet. Ready for it? Here it comes…
In Soviet Russia, Cape wears you!

I had never done acid before, and I had never seen a 3d movie before, and I saw Avatar in 3d IMAX. When the bad men blew up that big tree I wanted to fucking KILL SOMEONE. So yeah, acid + visually intense movies is pretty awesome.

Yeah that episode was definitely a big let down, I'd call it the worse one except any of the episodes would look like crap coming right after the first one. BUT "Guts" wasn't directed by Darabont, and really the greatness of the pilot was the visual stuff, not so much the writing. So I'm cautiously optimistic.

Hey man wtf I have totally talked to a real girl. She works at Gamestop…

Sucks to your web slinging
In previous Spidey games it always bothered me to no end (friggin none!) that you could web sling above buildings, apparently latching on to…the top of the Matrix? Angel's scrotum? It always felt like some lazy developers just borrowed a flying mechanic from another game and added webs.

despair for diablo 3
Aww crap, I just realized Diablo 3 is going to be the same type of decade old game with new crap on top. And here I was reeeaaally looking forward to clicking FOREVER. Now I have to find some other activity that requires a costco palette of bengay. Oh, hello porn.